Y/N's Pokemon

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Author note: Some of Y/N Pokemon are from his  home region and some are from other regions. He also going to catch new Pokemon in future chapters. In my story, Y/N can catch way more than 6 and all of them are my favorite Pokemon. Also in the story Pokemon can use more than 4 moves like in the anime.

Y/N starter Pokemon



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Riolu is Y/n first Pokemon. It was gifted to him by his dad when was just an egg. As an egg, Riolu was sent to multiple Pokemon Day Care but it refused to hatch. Y/N helped take care of the egg until it hatched. Riolu used it ability of aura to develop a subconscious connection to Y/N before it even hatched. When Riolu hatched, it had accepted Y/N as its trainer due to them having a matching aura. Riolu is extremely loyal to Y/N and always stands by his side. Just like Y/N, Riolu also likes to battle and improve its skills. Riolu is Y/N's ace  Pokemon and closet partner.

Moves: Quick attack, Vacuum Wave, Counter, Force Palm, Double team, Reversal

Abilities: Inner focus and Steadfast



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Y/N first meet Gible while exploring Wayward Cave. Y/N saw it was hungry and give it some berries out of kindness. After that leaving Wayward Cave, Y/N notice Gible was following him and he asked Gible if it wanted to join him. Gible nodded and accepted to be on Y/N's partners . Y/N also loves Gible because he idolized Cynthia and her Garchomp. Gible is very friendly and playful towards Y/N. It can be destructive and has a big appetite. Gible also one of Y/N's strongest Pokemon. During his journey in Unova, Gible became close friend with Iris's Axew.

Moves: Bite, Dig, Earth Power, Rock Smash, Dragon Rage, Draco Meteor

Abilities: Sand Veil



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The Pokemon Master of Aura (Pokemon Journeys x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now