A Legendary Encounter

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In the beautiful blue sky, an airplane is seen flying to its next destination. After a few hours, the flight has finally reach Galarian airspace. Inside the plane Y/N and his Riolu sitting in their passenger seats and they looked out the window with excitement. They saw a flock of pidgeotto flying near the plane. Then they looked down to see the Galar region.

Y/N: We're finally here Riolu. 

Riolu: rio

Y/N his traveled to the Galar region after being informed by Professor Rowan that his former student is opening a new Pokemon research lab in Wedgehurst town. And Y/N is invited to the opening ceremony. After a few minutes the plane landed Y/N and Riolu exited the airport. They are now in Wyndon city and did some sight seeing.

The city was populated with a lot of people and Pokemon

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The city was populated with a lot of people and Pokemon. There were several building such as a salon, cafe, boutique, Poke Mart and gigantic fancy tower.

Y/N: Wow this place is so amazing! Let's head to Pokemon center and rest up before heading to the lab. 

Riolu: (nodding) olu

Y/N and Riolu looked around and found the city's Pokemon center. Meanwhile on nearby wild area, there's a boy who is searching to catch a wild Pokemon.

This is Goh a trainer from Kanto with a goal of catching one of ever species of Pokemon

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This is Goh a trainer from Kanto with a goal of catching one of ever species of Pokemon. He's traveled to the Galar region to also attend the new Pokemon lab opening ceremony and to capture all the Pokemon in the region. He was walking around keeping his eyes out for Pokemon when suddenly he heard a rustling sound coming from the tall grass. It was revealed to be Nickit, a fox-like Pokemon, that jumped out of the tall grass and surprised Goh.

Goh: Hey it's a Nickit! This is perfect!  My first Pokemon I'll catch.

Goh took a pokeball from his back pack and aimed it at the Nickit.

Goh: (throwing the pokeball) Go Pokeball!

The pokeball opened up and Nickit was caught inside it. When Nickit was contained the pokeball landed on the ground and started to shake. Goh was hoping that he would successfully catch Nickit but after three shake it broke out of the pokeball and started run away. 

The Pokemon Master of Aura (Pokemon Journeys x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now