Best Friend...Worst Nightmare

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It a typical morning at Professor Cerise's house, the Cerise family are having breakfast and getting ready for the day. Chloe noticed Yamper is excitedly waiting for her to feed it. She gave Yamper its food and it starts eating quickly.

Parker: It's really cool how Yamper only eats you're the one who's serves it.

Tailia: I agree. The way you act towards Yamper it's kinda cool.

Chloe: I'm kinda cool.

Professor Cerise: The point is that you're the most important person to Yamper and it shows more affection for you than for anyone else.

Chloe thought back and remember what Y/N said the other day.


Y/N: I see. I guess that mean Yamper really trusts you. You guys are like perfect match.

Chloe lightly blushed after hear Y/N say those words and she smirked.

(back to the present)

Thinking about Y/N made Chloe smile a little

Chloe: I guess you're right.

At Cerise laboratory, Y/N and Goh are in the Cerise Park with all of their Pokemon. Y/N is introducing his new Dragonite to rest of his team.

Y/N: Everyone I want you all meet Dragonite! Dragonite going to be a part of our team from now! 

Riolu: Riolu

Emogla: Emo

Totodile: Totodile

Rockruff: Ruff

Treecko: Treecko

Monferno: Monferno

Rookidee: Rooki

Y/N's Pokemon happily welcomed Dragonite and the dragon type return their greeting by giving  them all a friendly hug.

Goh: Looks like Dragonite's really hitting it off with the other.

Y/N: Yeah for sure.

Scorbunny: (surprised) Scorbun!

Goh: What's wrong Scorbunny?

They looked where was Scorbunny pointing and Goh's three Wurmple being attacked by his Taillow.

Y/N: Oh no! We gonna stop this!

Goh: Right back you!

The two trainers ran over there to help the Wurmple and suddenly all three of them started to evolve. 

Y/N: Woah they're all evolving!

Goh: Alright! Wurmple can evolve into Silcoon or Cascoon. Then Silcoon evolves into Beautifly, and Cascoon into Dustox! And that's why I caught three Wurmple!

After the three Wurmple completed their evolution, revealing that they all evolved into Cascoon, completely shocking Goh.

Goh: Huh! They all evolved into Cascoon!

Y/N: What are odds?

The Cascoon went up to Goh and cheered him up by cuddling him. Y/N and Riolu laughed at the scene but suddenly they both sensed a powerful pulse of negative emotions through their Aura.

Y/N: Riolu, did you feel that to?

Riolu: (nodding) Rio


Outside of the lab, Chloe is getting ready to head to school and says goodbye to her dad and Yamper. 

Chloe: I heading to school now.

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