Serving Up the Flute Cup

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At Cerise Laboratory Y/N, Goh, and Chloe are in Cerise Park hanging out with all the Pokemon. Goh playing with his recently caught Scyther, Pinsir, and Metapod while Y/N is playing fetch with Yamper and Chloe watched.

Chloe: Wow Y/N you're pretty good with Pokemon. I've never seen Yamper so friendly to someone it only knew for a couple days.

Yamper ran up to Y/N to give him the stick it's carrying in its mouth. He bended down to one knee to grab the stick and started petting Yamper on the head.

Y/N: Well I've been trainer for while now and I learned a lot about gaining a Pokemon trust. Right Yamper?

Yamper: (happily) Yamp! Yamp!

Y/N: Hey Chloe I was wondering is Yamper your Pokemon?

Chloe: Oh actually his my dad's Pokemon. But ever since I was little he's always been attract to me the most.

Y/N: (smiling) I see. I guess that mean Yamper really trusts you. You guys are like perfect match.

Chloe lightly blushed after hear Y/N say those words and she smirked.

Chloe: Thanks

Y/N threw the stick and Yamper quickly chase after it. Professor Cerise then walk up to them.

Professor Cerise: Y/N I have some great news.

Y/N: Huh What is it Professor?

Professor Cerise: There's currently a Pokemon tournament take place in the Hoenn region. I came to ask you and Goh if you might want to participate.

Y/N: That's awesome! I'm definitely gonna be there! Hey Goh you're coming to right?

Goh: Huh? I guess I could give it a try. And while we're there I can catch new some Pokemon.


Y/N, Riolu, Goh, and Scorbunny arrived at Hoenn Battle Frontier Flute Cup.

The tournament consists of one-on-one matches, in which each trainer is allowed to use two Pokemon

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The tournament consists of one-on-one matches, in which each trainer is allowed to use two Pokemon. The winner of the Flute Cup is awarded with a set of five colored flutes.

Goh: Wait Y/N? Have you chosen your partners yet?

Y/N: Sure did. I chose Riolu and...

Y/N took his pokeball revealing his second Pokemon, Rockruff.

Y/N: Rockruff!

Rockruff: Ruff! Ruff!

Goh: Cool Rockruff's battling too!

Y/N: So which two are you gonna choose?

Goh: Well I chose Scorbunny and...


At Cerise lab, Goh was decide on which Pokemon would the best for batting. He wanted to pick his Pinsir but it was to shy to battle. So he ended choosing his Scyther instead.

The Pokemon Master of Aura (Pokemon Journeys x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now