The Curse of Gengar!

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In Cerise Park, Y/N is currently train his new Pokemon to prepare for the World Coronation Series. Rookidee is sparing with Treecko and Sandile is sparing with Rockruff. Gible training with Totodile. Emolga is sparing with Monferno. Riolu is sparing with Dragonite. While Y/N watch them train.

Y/N: Now Treecko use Bullet Seed! Rookidee dodge it!

Treecko: Treecko!

Rookidee: Rookie!

Treecko fired Bullet Seed at Rookidee but flew up into the air to dodge it. 

Y/N: Now Rookidee use Air Slash! Treecko use Quick Attack to dodge!

Rookidee: Dee!

Treecko: Treecko!

Rookidee attacks using Air Slash at Treecko who dodges using Quick Attack.

Y/N: Great job you two! Let's take a break.

Y/N looked at Rockruff and Sandile who are still battling each other. Suddenly they heard a scream coming from inside the lab. 

Y/N: That sounded like Ren! 

Y/N and Riolu ran inside the lab and up the stairs where they met up with Goh and Scorbunny. They found Ren who is slumped against a wall and paralyzed with fear. 

Goh: Are you okay? 

Y/N: What happened to you?

Ren: (scared) I've never been more scared! It was that... Shiny Gengar.

Y/N and Goh: Gengar's back?

Ren nods with tears in his eyes.

Y/N: You know what that mean!

Goh: Another chance to catch it!

Y/N: I'm gonna catch it first!

Goh: Hold on. That my line!

Riolu: Olu!

Scorbunny: Scorbun!

Ren: (scared) Don't leave me all by myself!

Y/N and Goh begin searching all over there second floor to found the Shiny Gengar but couldn't find it. 

Goh: Not a sign. Whenever Gengar appears, the temperature is supposed to go down, right?

Goh notices Y/N look concerned about something.

Goh: Y/N, what's wrong?

Y/N: It's nothing I

Suddenly they heard Chrysa screaming from downstairs and they ran down the stairs to see what happened. They got to the lab and saw the room was a complete mess. Papers were scattered all over the floor, books were of the shelter, and the furniture was knocked over. 

Goh: Chrysa, was that Gengar?

Chrysa: Yes. It just appeared and started attacking all of a sudden.

Y/N: Do you know where it went?

Chrysa: I'm not sure. It just disappeared after that.

Y/N: It couldn't have gone far. Let's try looking for it around here.

Goh: Right.

Behind them Gengar who is invisible uses Psychic to levitate a bunch of books and aimed them all at Riolu. Y/N used his Aura to sense Gengar and turned around to see the floating being thrown at Riolu. Y/N quickly jumped in front of Riolu using his back to block the books. After Y/N blocked the books, Gengar become so frustrated that it made its body visible. 

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