Raid Battle in the Ruins

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After a long trip, Y/N, Emolga, Goh, and Scorbunny have arrived at the Unova region. Currently the two trainers at airport after they exited the plane and they're waiting  to meet up with one of Y/N's old friends.

Goh: We're finally in Unova!

Scorbunny: Scorbunny!

Y/N: Man it's been a while. It sure bring back memory, right Emolga?

Emolga: (nodding) Emo!

Goh: Hey Y/N, who are we waiting exactly?

Y/N: She's a good friend my of mine. She should be here any minute.

After a few seconds of waiting Y/N heard a familiar voice.

???: Hi Y/N! How have you been?

A girl with blonde hair and wearing glasses approached them

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A girl with blonde hair and wearing glasses approached them. It's Bianca, Y/N Unova travel companion and Professor Juniper's assistant. 

Y/N: Hey Bianca! Long time no see!

Emolga: Emo!

Emolga happily jumped in to Bianca's arms and gave her a hug.

Bianca: It nice to see you too, Emolga.

Goh: So you must be friend you were talking about.

Y/N: That's right. Me and Bianca traveled together during my journey in Unova.

Emolga jumps back on to Y/N's shoulder and Y/N introduces Goh to Bianca.

Y/N: Bianca, this is my new friend Goh. 

Bianca: It's nice to meet you.

Goh: Nice to meet you too.  

They exited the airport and walked together to talk about a new discovery in the Desert Resort. 

Y/N: The Colossus Ruins?

Bianca: Yeah. It's a newly discovered set of ruins in the Desert Resort. Professor Juniper said that they might linked to an ancient city. So she ask to help with the excavation. You guys can come with if you want. All of Pokemon will be there.

Y/N: Sure! Sounds like it'll be fun!

Goh: Yeah and it a perfect chance for to catch some Unova Pokemon! 

Bianca: Alright! Let's go!

Y/N, Goh, and Bianca arrived at the Dessert Resort. It's a vast dessert that extend for miles and the sand is way to hot to walk on. Even Scorbunny could walk on the sand despite being a fire type.

Goh: How do we get there?

Bianca: Don't worry because I have the perfect plan. Do you guys have any Flying type Pokemon?

Y/N: Yeah. Beside Emolga, I got...

Y/N threw his Poke Ball and sends out his Dragonite.

Dragonite: Bo!

The Pokemon Master of Aura (Pokemon Journeys x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now