New Pokemon and Old Enemies

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At Cerise research laboratory, Y/N and Goh are starting their first day as research fellows. Currently both them and their Pokemon are in the kitchen eating a nice breakfast. Goh was impressed seeing Y/N's Riolu, Gible, Monferno, Totodile, Treecko, Emolga, and Rockruff. 

Goh: Wow Y/N you've already caught some really amazing Pokemon. They're all so cool.

Y/N: Thanks I've been on my journey for couple months now so I already to Jotho, Hoenn, Unova, and Alola. If you think they're cool now just wait til you see them battle. 

Goh: Sounds like you got quite a strong team.

Y/N: You bet! Cuz we're working on becoming the best.

Goh: I see, so you want to be the strongest trainer.

Y/N: Actually I want to be the strongest champion. That why I came to Galar to meet new Pokemon and challenge new trainers. And we're going to win every battle until we achieve my goal. 

Y/N turned to talk to his Pokemon.

Y/N: Right guys!

Riolu: Riolu!

Treecko: Treecko!

Totodile: Toto!

Gible: Gible!

Rockruff: Ruff!

Monferno: Monferno!

Emolga: Emo!

Goh: You want to be the strong champion huh? Sound let we both have big dreams we both want to reach.

Y/N: Yeah! If you want to dream you gotta dream big!

Professor Cerise, Chloe and Yamper walked in the room.

Professor Cerise: Good morning.

Goh: Morning Professor

Y/N: Morning Chloe

Chloe: Morning

Professor Cerise: Did you sleep well last night?

Y/N: Just like a Snorlax.

Goh: And Y/N's been eating like a Snorlax since he woke up.

Y/N: You got me but so were you.

Goh: (smiling) Guess so.

Chloe was preparing Yamper food and water. She then packed a snack in backpack and was ready to leave.

Chloe: See you later

Professor Cerise: Take care 

Goh: You're leaving already?

Y/N: You could eat breakfast with us?

Chloe: Thanks but I already eaten. I don't want to be late for school.


Y/N and Goh followed Professor Cerise to the lab. He explains to them that there have been reports that camper have been attack and had their food stolen on Route 2. He requested them to find out what Pokemon it is and stop it from bothering anyone else.

Y/N: Alright ready to go Riolu?

Riolu: (nodding) Rio

Professor Cerise: By the way, Y/N do you happen to have your own smart phone?

Y/N: Yeah right here.

Y/N brought out his smart phone from his pocket. The Professor then brought out a Pokeball and  call out a Rotom.

 The Professor then brought out a Pokeball and  call out a Rotom

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