Chapter 1: Caught Blue Handed

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3rd POV

After everyone had arrived at Noire's main base of operations, her basilicom, Noire told everyone her plan.

Noire: Ok, first things first, I know where Dabi is striking next.

Neptune: Yeah, you said that already, but, like, how do you know that?

Noire: If you would let me finish, I'd tell you. Now then, I know this because one of the gang members from the Wild Dogs gang had slipped through that jerks fingers. He came to us saying he wanted to turn himself in and told us everything he knew.

Blanc: The jackass finally slipped up, eh? So where's he headed?

Noire: He's coming here. To burn down one of my armies bases. That's why the Wild Dogs member came all the way here instead of going to Neptune.

Vert: Well, this is nice, but when does he plan to attack, exactly?

Noire: Not sure, some time tomorrow night.

Neptune:Whaaa?!? I can't wait that long. I wanna take this guy down now!

Noire: Neptune, calm down. We can't just stalk the building until tomorrow night, he might get suspicious. We'll just have to prepare ourselves as best we can.

Vert: Are we letting anyone else no about this?

Blanc: Please, he's one guy, how tough can he be? Four goddesses is more than enough.

Noire: Exactly. So, for tonight, you all can stay here. That way, we'll all be here and fully energized.

Neptune: Are you sure you don't wanna just have a slumber party with your new BFF's?

Noire: J-just shut up! Go get ready for tomorrow or something!

Having said that, Noire leaves.

Blanc: Guess we'll find our own rooms then.

Timeskip to the next night

All four goddesses had transformed into their HDD forms, the ones with the symbols in their eyes, and were following Black Heart to where Dabi was supposed to strike.

Purple Heart: And you're certain this is the right place?

Black Heart: I interrogated the witness over and over again, this is the place.

Green Heart: Ok everyone, be ready for anything. We don't know how strong he is.

White Heart: Screw that! I'm gonna paint the walls with his brains!

Purple Heart: Now, now, let's not go that far.

They arrive at the army base, that had been prematurely evacuated, and see nothing out of the ordinary.

Black Heart: Well, I guess he isn't here yet. The witness said he didn't know what time he was attacking, just that it was tonight.

Purple Heart: Well we better hide and get ready.

Timeskip to just before midnight

White Heart: Grrrr, when is he gonna get here!?! I don't have all night! Rom and Ram are gonna break everything in the house!

Black Heart: Quit your screaming, he'll hear you.

White Heart: There's no one to hear me besides us. I'm starting to think we were lied to.

Green Heart: I agree, it seems far fetched that he'd show up aft-

Purple Heart: Shhh! Look!

They all quiet down and look to where Purple Heart is looking. There, under the light of the building, stands a person with black, spiky hair, dressed in mostly black and a white shirt. He also had numerous scars all across his body that were stapled in place. This causes all 4 of them to gasp quietly. Unfortunately for them, this action caused him to turn his head towards them.

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