Chapter 4: Getting Some Firepower Back

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y/n POV

I had just gotten finished dealing with the swarm of dogoos and saving the four stooges. I was walking back to where the villagers, Uni and Black Heart were standing, when I feel a weight throw itself on my back, causing me to stumble a bit. I remain standing though.

y/n: What the hell?!

I turn my head around to see that Compa had jumped on my back and was hugging me.

Compa: Thank you for saving us. I didn't think those naughty dogs would ever stop, but you saved us. I knew there's good in you.

y/n: Tch, I just did that to show you all up on camera, and cause it would've taken us longer to get back to Planeptune if I hadn't. Now get off, you have dogoo slime on you and I don't want my jacket getting dirty.

Compa: Nope, not until you accept my compliments.

y/n: Do you want to be incinerated?

Compa: No, but I know you won't do that.

y/n: Yeah, because I literally can't right now.

She doesn't listen to me though and continues thanking me. I reach my hands around to try prying her off, but she has a surprisingly strong grip, that and she's gripping my shirt collar and it would not only get stretched if I continued, but also choke me slightly. I eventually give up and decide to deal with it.

y/n: *sigh* How did I end up having to babysit such an annoyance?

I walk over to everyone else, where Black Heart is currently scolding Neptune.

Black Heart: Why didn't you use your goddess form? Those dogoos would've been a piece of cake.

Neptune: Who cares, it all worked out in the end.

Black Heart: Only because you had other people helping you, and the top villain of the world no less. What do you think people are going to think when they see that recording?

Neptune: That ol' Dabi is being reformed?

Black Heart: No! They'll think that you're helpless and need a wanted criminal to come and save your skin. It's things like this that are causing your shares to drop.

Black Heart takes a pause to compose herself and catch her breath.

Black Heart: You know what, forget it. I'll deal with the rest of this ordeal myself.

She turns to the villagers.

Black Heart: Now then, if you'd be so kind as to take me to that cave you mentioned.

Villager: Yes, of course.

Uni: I'll go with you.

Black Heart turns to face her sister.

Black Heart: No, you stay here and help clean all this goo.

This arrogant bitch really pisses me off. But this whole situation gives me an idea of how to finally get myself free.

y/n: Hey!

Black Heart turns to face me.

Black Heart: Oh right, you. What do you want?

y/n: Not much, really, just a bit of a proposition.

Black Heart: ...Go on.

y/n: You seem to think that you're some kind of almighty bitch, and that just because you're a goddess, you get to talk down to who you want, when you want. That's been pissing me off ever since I got here. So I bet that you won't be able to handle whatever monster is in that cave alone.

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