Chapter 3: First Day. Fuel for the Fire

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y/n POV

I'm currently being dragged around this unnecessarily large building by Compa. We've been walking for what feels like forever.

y/n: Hey, we've been walking for a while now, do you even know where we're going?

Compa: Of course, it's...this way?

She then leads us into a door on the left. Inside is a room with a bed, a lamp and nothing else. Not even a window.

y/n: Gee, how generous.

Compa: I know it's not the best, but I'll try and help you feel at home.

y/n: No, no. I'm good, thanks. Just let me go to sleep.

I say, pushing her out of the door. I close it, and turn to my "room". I lay down and shut my eyes, preparing for my life to shrivel away in front of me.

Next day

I open my eyes and stretch, only to remember that I'm still handcuffed. I try to use my fire to melt them off or just do something, but the most I get is a small amount of heat in my palms. Oh well, that's better than nothing. Might as well get something to eat and think up a way to get these off.

y/n: Now where the hell is the kitchen again?

I begin walking around, hoping to find somewhere to get food, or an exit. Or, now that I think about it, a bathroom. I haven't showered since they caught me. Unfortunately a door opens as I'm about to pass it and I nearly run into Neptune's sister, Nepgear, I believe. She looks at me and flinches.

y/n: Relax, I'm not gonna bite. No matter how much I want to, I can't. Remember?

I hold my hands up to her face to show her the handcuffs.

Nepgear: Oh, r-right. Well g-good morning Dabi.

y/n: What's so good about it? I can't find the kitchen or a bathroom in this damn maze of a base you have.

Nepgear: Oh, the bathroom is right there. I just got done brushing my teeth.

She said pointing to the door she just came out of. Of course.

y/n: And the kitchen?

Nepgear: I can just show you when you're done, if you w-want I mean. I wouldn't w-wanna bother you.

y/n: If you're offering, then sure. It'll make my life easier.

She looks at me and blinks twice, like she wasn't expecting that answer.

y/n: What, I'd rather you take me there than wander around like some sort of drunken idiot.

Nepgear: Oh, r-right. That makes sense.

I step into the bathroom only to realize that I can't remove my shirt while I'm handcuffed like this. They couldn't just get arm braces or something. I walk back out and Nepgear looks up to face me.

Nepgear: That was fast, did you change your mind?

y/n: No, I can't take my jacket off. Handcuffed, remember?

Nepgear: Oh, right, sorry about that.

She looks down to the ground, before peeling up again.

Nepgear: Wait here.

She then takes off down the hall, leaving me standing here like an idiot. A minute or two pass by, and she returns holding a purple remote in her hand. She clicks the one button on the remote and the chains between the cuffs separate perfectly down the middle.

y/n: Huh, that's something ya don't see everyday.

Nepgear: I made these handcuffs myself so I made sure that they could detach for things like this. But I can't take them off, not while they're still magically enhanced.

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