Chapter 2: Divine Introductions

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y/n POV

I've been waiting in this hospital bed for what feels like an eternity, but it's probably only been an hour or so. The nurse, I don't remember her name, is taking a while to gather three people. I mean, come on, how hard could it be? Just as I'm about to consider ways of offing myself, I hear the door open. I look up to see the nurse from earlier, as she was guiding in three other people, a short girl with light purple hair, a taller girl with longer hair of the same colour, and a brown haired girl with green eyes, wearing a jacket that was way to big on her. The first girl looked pretty laid back, smug even. The second girl looked cautious, a more expected reaction. The last girl looked pissed, like I had just killed her dog. Considering my record though it might not be surprising if something similar happened. The nurse still looked at me with a pleasant smile on her face. Jesus, what's wrong with her?

y/n: Ok, what do you want? I'm not really in the mood to discuss with anyone right now.

Smug Girl: Oh, really? That's too bad. Not like you can do anything about it, all chained up there.

Cautious Girl: Neptune, don't provoke him.

So that's Neptune, goddess of Planeptune? Who knew she was such a runt?

y/n: Wow, are all the goddesses as irritating as you? Cause you're really getting on m-

I stop mid-sentence to break into a violent coughing fit.

y/n: Guess I'm not as healed as I thought I was.

The nurse rushes over to me again. Compa, I think her name was.

Compa: You really shouldn't be talking so much, you're still recovering! Neppy, you didn't have to be this rough with him, did you?

Angry Girl: Compa, do you know who he is? He's a monster, a psycho.

Compa: Well, yeah. But I know there's a good person in there somewhere. I can feel it.

Tch, so she's some kinda delusional idiot? Just my luck. The pissed off girl suddenly turns to face me.

Angry Girl: Alright, you, start talking! Who do you work for!?

y/n: And why should I tell you tiny?

Angry Girl: TINY?!? Urrgh, forget it. You better start talking or else.

She then pulls out two large swords and points them at me.

y/n: ...Or else you're going to file my nails? Cause I'm not sure what kind of actual damage you can do to me with those. In case you haven't seen my face, I've been through worse.

The small angry girl looks like she's about to blow up, almost literally. But the nurse and the cautious girl both suddenly look sad. The nurse comes close to me again while the cautious looking one inches closer, but still keeps her distance.

Compa: What happened to you for you to get these horrible burns?

y/n: My life story is none of your business.

Cautious Girl: Hey, she was just being nice and considerate.

y/n: So what? If I just listened to every "nice and considerate" person who came across me, I would've been caught a long time ago. Being nice and considerate is nothing but a setback and a huge waste of time and effort.

Angry Girl: That's the first thing you said that I remotely agree with. Compa, don't waste your time on him, he's a monster.

Compa: But Iffy, nobody is completely heartless. I can see it in this man's eyes, he has a good heart.

Neptune: If you think this guy has a good heart then you might be almost as crazy as he is.

Iffy: Exactly Nep. Now as for you! If you start talking, you might get a better sentence.

Burning Up Gamindustri (Dabi male reader x Neptunia)Where stories live. Discover now