Chapter 8: Party Time. The Cuffs ar Coming Off!

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y/n POV

Nepgear, IF, Compa and I had just returned to Leanbox's Basilicom, where the party was finally ready.

Vert: I'd like to sincerely apologize for keeping you all waiting. Now then, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to my party.

y/n: Pretty rich, calling it your party. You didn't do anything.

Noire: Let it go, it'll fall on deaf ears.

y/n: As usual with you goddesses.

Noire: What do you mean by that?!

Vert: Oh, come now. This is a moment for us all to relax, eat, drink and be merry. Why, I've actually prepared a special game for this exact occasion.

Neptune: Ooh, really?! What is it?

Vert: I think it would be better if I showed you, actually. Noire, Neptune, could you both move back a bit?

Neptune: You got it!

The two of them back up as Vert presses a button in a controller.

Vert: Alright you two, show us some fighting spirit.

At the press of the button, several small devices begin creating a holographic scene that makes us look like we're standing in a field.

Compa: Woah, look at Nep Nep!

Turning to look at her and Noire, I see something that makes me unable to hold in my chuckles.

Turning to look at her and Noire, I see something that makes me unable to hold in my chuckles

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Neptune: Dude, what? I'm a dogoo?

Noire: I can't believe it. Is this really me?

Vert: I'm using a special camera to capture your movements and expressions. It then processes and holo/projects them. You can also use it to search the web.

y/n: Hahaha, gotta say, you two have never looked better.

Noire: What, you take that back! You wouldn't be laughing if it were you in my place.

I'm unable to stop chuckling and laughing as Neptune suddenly rams into Noire with her dogoo body, causing Noire-goo to go stumbling and rolling backwards.

Neptune: That's what you get for leaving yourself open, Noi-goo! Now watch me Nep you until your black and blue!

Noire: Who're you calling "Noi-goo"?

Nep-goo then slams her pathetic little self into Noi-goo, causing a small, pixelated "-50p" to rise from Noire

Neptune: Yay, first point goes to me!

Noire: That's it! Say your prayers, you impertinent little slime!

Noire lunges at Neptune, but the intended target dodges the attack, causing Noire to roll and land upside down.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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