Chapter 6; Let's go to Lowee, Super Nintenland!

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y/n POV

I can't believe this. Woken up far too early in the morning and forced to go to the coldest place in Gamindustri, Lowee. I don't mind the cold, I can heat myself up to easily. Unfortunately, that's also the cause of my discomfort.

Neptune: Mmmmm, you're so warm and toasty, the perfect temperature for Lowee weather.

Nepgear: Yeah, this is really nice. Thanks Dabi.

Noire: I guess I can admit that this is better than freezing my butt off. B-but don't think I wanna be this c-close to you or anything, stupid!

I'm currently sitting in a carriage which wouldn't be so bad, but unfortunately I'm being used as a space heater by three out of the four nuisances present. Nepgear is holding onto one of my arms, Noire on the other, which leaves Neptune sitting in my lap.

Nepgear: Uni, you should try this.

Uni: No way! I don't want to be any closer to him than I need to be. Even sitting here with him is too close for my liking!

y/n: Y'know what? I couldn't agree more.

I manage to shake the three of them off my body, stand up and open one of the windows in the carriage. I then climb out and manage to make my way to where the carriage driver is sitting. She looks over at me and panics slightly, letting go of the reigns of the deer pulling the carriage. I jump out and grab them quickly, then return to where the woman is standing and make myself comfortable.

y/n: Hey, watch it there butterfingers. I don't want to go biting the big one because of your fragile nerves.

I hand her the reigns again and lean against the wall.

y/n: Try not to crash us before we get there, got it?

She nods and continues driving us to the basilicom of Lowee. We eventually arrive, myself having a moment of peace and quiet for the first time in awhile. I hop off the front of the carriage and begin making my way to the front entrance of the basilicom, not bothering to wait for the girls. That is, until, two large guards stand in my way.

y/n: What do you morons think you're doing? Get out of my way, unless you want to be burned.

Neptune: Woah, take it down a notch, they're just doing their jobs.

Nepgear: Umm, excuse us, but can we please go in? Rom and Ram are expecting us.

Guard 1: What about him?

Neptune: Oh, he's with us so don't worry one bit. We've got him under control.

The two guards look at each other for a few moments, then step aside and allow us to enter. We walk in and are greeted by three girls who look like triplets. One of them is Blanc, the goddess of Lowee, and the other two are near identical. Twins, if I had to guess, except one is wearing a grey outfit with light pink accents while the other wears the same outfit, but with light blue accents. The one in pink has longer hair than the one in blue.

 The one in pink has longer hair than the one in blue

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