How you guys met: Maiya

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You and your best friend Kyle were walking around a very busy street and saw lines of people near a theater so you decided to check it out. Next thing you know, you see a stage door with people screaming once they saw a lady with pink hair along as some other girls, they signed some posters and took pictures with people. "Are they famous or something Y/n?" Kyle asked with a very confused tone. "Umm I guess so...?" I answered with a hint of confusion. "I wouldn't say we're famous, more like well known." A short girl with curly hair said with a sweet tone. I flinched at the random voice and turned around and saw the prettiest girl I've ever seen. "Hi, my name is Maiya." The girl said with a smile as people took videos and pictures of the interaction. "My name is Y/n. So do you guys sing?" I asked looking at the picture of them posing with mics. "Yeah, we do" 3 girls said simultaneously "My name is Lexi, and those 2 girls who said the same thing as me are Millie and Natalie." She looked very friendly which made me smile. We had a little talk about some random stuff until Kyle reminded me that we had to go to our friend Erickas house. We said our goodbyes until Maiya grabbed my wrist and wrote her number on my hand. (617-555-1523) call me :)
I looked at her and waved goodbye as we started to head away from the area. "Wow Y/n, you just got her number without even trying, want to teach me how?" Kyle asked jokingly. I smiled at his joke but just kept on thinking about Maiya...

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