Im always here for you

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I got home from work and as soon as I laid down on the couch, I get a call from my boss.


I answered the call thinking that he just needed a quick confirmation of something

"Hey Y/n I'm I hate to do this but you need to work more hours because we're short on staff"

I sighed and agreed.

"Sure.. why not"

"Great! See you next week!"


"But next week is my break!?"

"Yes I know but you agreed to put in more hours."

"Fine. Bye."



And with that, I checked my email for some information. I kept scrolling until I saw an email with attached files to it. I opened it and it said that I needed to finish it by 12 AM or else se have to scrap the whole idea. Mind you, we started the idea today and it was 9:30 pm when I'm the only one working on this. I opened another tab with the project but I got another email. It was from my mom?  "Hey Y/n I need  at least 10,000 pounds by tomorrow for your little brother. See you tomorrow!" 10,000 POUNDS!?!?? I have more than that, but that much money for a 5 year old?!? I ignored it and kept working. It was now 11:45 and I finally finished the project. I got ready for bed but then  I got another call from my boss.


"Hey boss whats up?"

"We are scrapping the idea and now we need you to make a new one by Tuesday" (it was a Sunday)


"Well, you better find another idea or else your fired."



I was mid sentence but then the call ended. So I got to work and didn't finish till 4 am. I fell asleep and wake up at 6 am due to ANOTHER CALL. Again from my boss.

"Hey boss..."

"Hey Y/n! Um we need you to come up with another idea and then that it but you need it by at least 5 pm today. Bye!"


Is this really worth it??? Im not even getting paid that much and they have me do all the work when the people who don't do their job get paid more than me. I started breaking down crying and then I heard a door open. It was Erin, I didn't want her to see me like this but it was already too late. "Oh my gosh baby... are you okay?" She asked worriedly while walking over to me and hugging me. "N-no... M-my boss is having me do so many things in such a small time period I- I just can't do it. Its too stressful" I said breaking down even more. "It's okay baby, they don't deserve the work you do for them" she said kissing my hair and stroking my hair. I soon fell asleep to her humming to 'Heart of Stone' and kissing my head while whispering positive things in my ear. God how I love Erin. I swear I'll make her my wife one day.

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