The accident

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Orange, yellow flames engulfed the whole bar, licking up anything flammable in it's way. Thick, black smoke enveloped the bar as the ginger looked around frantically. 

He has just arrived at the bar, got his first shot of alcohol for the night with his friends. It was soon ruined when someone started yelling as a bomb was thrown into the bar and a rapid shooting occured afterwards. 

Coughing violently, the ginger collapsed on tot eh floor, his hand clasped across his mouth for a desperate attempt to keep any smoke from being inhaled into his lungs.

His eyes widened when he saw the multiple dead corpses on the floor, due to the bomb and the rapid shooting. Seeing familiar blonde hair, the ginger's hand dropped. Only then did a few tears drop. 

But before he could dwell into the despair of losing his friends, he was embrace tightly from behind. 

"D-Dazai..." Chuuya muttered as he felt the brunette drag him out of the bar. The ginger was breathing heavily, not believing the sight the bar was in. His friends....they were...gone.

", I need you to breathe. You're hyperventilating."

The ginger clung onto the brunette's arm tightly as he caught a glimpse of the mafia's men hosing down the fire. Some were behind, holding guns. Guns? 

"What happened?" The ginger asked the brunette was was currently looking at the state of the bar, avoiding the other's gaze. No answer from the other so the ginger willed himself to stand. Only then did Dazai look back, hastily supporting the other. 

The ginger saw the one caramel brown eye of the brunette that wasn't covered by bandages and he saw instant sadness. He raised a brow in confusion. Due to being Dazai's partner and lover for so long, the ginger could easily see what emotion Dazai had. Even thought the younger was trying his best to hide it.


Thanking the mafia's doctors for patching up his wounds, the ginger left the infirmary and headed straight to Mori's office. The raven haired wanted a report from him on what happened.

Along the way, he saw the brunette who was clutching his right arm, looking downcast. But when he saw the other, a smile appeared.

"Chuuya, you okay?" The ginger could only smile back and nod. 

"Doctor says I only have minor wounds."

"That's good to know." The brunette's grip on his right arm tightened. The ginger glanced at the other's arm.

Noticing that, the brunette chuckled, "I have to go, my subordinates are calling for me." 

Just as the brunette was about to walk away, Chuuya pulled his arm, making Dazai stumble backwards. Seeing the blood staining the other's sleeve, the ginger's eyes widened as he quickly pulled up the other's sleeve.

"What happened?" The ginger asked frantically, quickly brandishing his handkerchief to stop the bleeding of the wound. 

"Nothing happened. It was an accident. I wasn't...careful." The brunette just yanked away his arm, avoiding the other's concerned glance before walking away.

"I'm fine."

With that, the other left.

Chuuua stared in shock as his lover walked away.


Walking, feeling rather sad at how the brunette acted, the ginger finally arrived at his boss's office.

"Chuuya-kun, nice to see you here. Now, I'll love to thank you for getting rid of the traitors."

Before the other continued, the ginger stopped him.


"Yes, your sort called friends seemed to have been caught talking to our enemies."

"I was in the accident. I didn't even know they were traitors?"

The raven's smile fell. His brows furrowed.

"I'm sure dazai-kun said that you were the one who helped bomb up the place and ordered the man to-"

Mori stopped when he saw the widening of eyes from the other.

"If you want, I can call Dazai-kun here. I just met him just now."

Remembering the wound the brunette had, the ginger shook his head awkwardly.

Seeing the sudden change of expression from the ginger, Mori smiled, "You may leave. I'll be giving you a promotion as well." 

Chuuya chuckled and nodded before he left the office. 

He walked down the hallway, not a single sound from him. He just walked and walked. He let his thought fog up his mind. His friends were traitors? 

A million thought spiralled in Chuuya's mind. When the ginger passed by the information room, he stopped. It was off limits to everyone except for Mori and his right hand man, Dazai. The brunette usually sneaked information for Chuuya if he needed to. 

The ginger smiled at that. The brunette never failed to amaze him. The ginger went into the room, finding it unlocked. He glanced through the multiple files on the shelves. Most likely from murder and debt cases. 

That's when he saw his friend's name on one of the files. He immediately pulled it out.

His hands held the front cover of the file, seeing the word, 'Confidential' on the front made the ginger bite his lip. He anxiously flipped to the first page but a familiar voice made him stop.

"Chuuya? Why are you here? You know you can ask me to get information you need. What are you looking for?"

The ginger glanced at the brunette who had a stack of files resting on his arm. Chuuya noticed the wound that was wrapped in layers of bandages already.

The ginger hummed, "You okay?"

"Oh, you mean the wound? I'm fine, it was a minor scratch."

Noticing the file the ginger was holding, the brunette hastily tried to snatch the file away from the other's hand. However, the ginger was fast, lifting it above his head.

"Osamu, Boss said that you told him I was the one who bombed the bar. Now, why is that?"

Dazai avoided the other's gaze. The ginger's eyes narrowed.

"Nevermind that Chuuya, could you give me that file, it's unfinished and I need to give it to Mori-San."

The ginger scoffed as he rolled his eyes, "I'm not giving it to you until you tell me what's happening."

But before he knew it, Chuuya's eyes widened when he saw the gun pointed to his face.

The brunette bit his lip before demanding, "Give me the file, Chuuya."

The ginger stared in disbelief at the other before his hand dropped to his side.

The ginger's heart twisted in sour, uncomfortable way. What happened to Dazai?

Chuuya'a train of thoughts broke and emotion took over. He threw the file at the other before leaving.

The brunette could only let his hand which held the gun slowly lower itself.

"Damn it..."

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