The hidden one

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The sky was painted a dark hue as a strong wind swept through Yokohama's port. The ginger held on to the coat on his shoulders.

He pushed a few ginger locks behind his ear, humming to himself. He had wanted to have a stretch and outside air. However, Fukuzawa had allowed everyone to leave early so Kunikida had said he'll tell the other on the new case new week. Along with that, Chuuya was given permission to stay in the infirmary for the weekends.

It was starting to get cold as the ginger was contemplating on going back to the ADA office. That's when he saw a figure at the opposite of the street he was in. Chuuya's eyes narrowed as he turned, deciding on leaving. He didn't trust anyone when it turned dark. His instincts was always with him.

However, hearing the approaching footsteps towards him, the ginger reached into his back pocket, his fingers brushing against his dagger.

"Nakahara Chuuya right?" The ginger swiftly turned, facing the raven haired who had called him.

"Is there a problem I can help you with?" The ginger asked back, his hands let go of his coat.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Fyodor dostoevsky."

Chuuya nodded hesitantly. Did he know this guy? He looked familiar but he couldn't remember who this guy was. Maybe he didn't know him.

A chuckle from the other, "You must not remember me."

The ginger chuckled as well, "It seems so."

The raven haired looked at his watch before he smiled at the other, "It's getting late, nice to see you again, Nakahara-san."

"Same." The other said bluntly, just wanting to go back to the ADA office.

As the other walked past him, the raven muttered to the other, "Better watch your back, someone's coming after Dazai and you."

With that, the other briskly walked away.

The ginger swiftly turned only to see the other gone already.

"After both of us?" The ginger uttered to himself. He shook his head and quickly made his way back to the ADA office's infirmary.


"Sir, should we start phase one?"

A hum as a menacing smile appeared on the other's face.

"Double Black will fall."

"Double Black, sir?"

"Yes, the pair from the port mafia. Dazai Osamu and Nakahara Chuuya. They are a terrifying pair."

The other nodded.

"But it seems their relationship isn't as good as it was before. I'll be taking advantage of that and I will destroy them."


"Boss , here is the-" The wine haired male stopped himself when he saw the brunette not at his desk. The other sighed before he walked into the connected room inside the office.

Indeed, he saw the brunette laying on the bed, bandages scattered across the room.

"Dazai, at least give me a call next time." The other said, knowing the brunette was awake. He was quite a light sleeper after all.

"Didn't...want to disturb you." The brunette replied softly, yawning in between the words.

A hum as the red haired darted picking up the bandages on the floor, throwing them away before walking towards the closet in the room, picking out a new pair of clothes for the other.

As port mafia boss, paper work and missions made the brunette's life hectic. So, his office was his home. He had built in multiple rooms in his office, including a bathroom and a small kitchen.

"No sleep today either?" The red haired asked, sitting at the edge of the bed. 

A hum and silence once again from the other. A few comforting seconds later, the brunette finally slowly sat up, pulling the blanket along with him.

"What were you finding me for?" 

"Reports from my subordinates."

"Let me guess, they didn't do it."

The taller chuckled, "Yes, they shoved it to me so I finished it instead."

"You're so nice Odasaku...I'll kill them if their useless."

Oda rolled his eyes, "Come on, they were doing other missions. Heard from one of them they broke a leg because they were chasing someone."

"Chasing who?" The brunette yawned once again as he sat up, taking his coat from Oda and draping in on his shoulders.

"Someone who claimed that he'll destroy double black."

Dazai's eyes widened as he glanced at the other.

"Double black...?" 

"Yes? Isn't that the name of the partnership of you and Nakahara san, right?" 

The brunette reluctantly nodded, collapsing on the bed again. 

Knowing what happened between the two, Oda put up a kind smile.

"Should we do something about it?"

"We should but I have many other upcoming meetings. Just start a research team on it."

Oda stood up, dusting off his pants as he nodded. 

"I'll go inform Gin."

A tired hum from the brunette as Dazai changed clothes quickly before Oda came back into the room, keeping his phone after calling Gin to inform her about the task in hand.

"Dazai, we shoul-" The other quickly rushed to the brunette who was confused on what was happening. 

However, before he could react, the brunette's eyes widened in surprise when he saw the sudden hooded figure in front of him. Dazai gasped as he stumbled backwards, wanting to brandish his gun out. But before he could, he lost conscious.

Oda only saw the figure knock Dazai out as he fished out his gun, holding it up shakily. 

"Nakahara Chuuya is next." 

With that, the figure crashed the window jumping out of it with an unconscious brunette. The red haired rushed to the window only to see the ground ten levels from where he was. 

"This might be bad..."


Hi everyone, sorry for not updating for the past few days. I've had a project to be done. Look forward to the next chapter! :)

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