Met again

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Walking through the crowd, the ginger and white haired tried their best to not bump into anyone.

"Excuse me sir, could you be kind enough to tell me where the Yokohama station is?"

The ginger hummed as he turned to come face to face with an elderly lady. Chuuya smiled, he pointed to the station opposite them and gave the lady instructions. Once told, the lady just bowed and thanked the younger before leaving. 

Chuuya sighed as he turned, wanting to catch up with Atsushi but he didn't see the teenager anyway. "Lost again." The ginger exclaimed to himself in exasperation as he tried finding the white hair in the crowd. He kept walking till he was in a more isolated, empty area. 

"Where did that brat go?" The ginger muttered to himself, his brows furrowing. 

He glanced at the sky, it was getting dark rather fast today. Maybe he lost track of time. He continued walking, looking at the side more than in front, thinking he could find Atsushi.

Passing by a person along the way, shoulder's brushing against each other, the ginger thought nothing of it before he caught a glimpse of brown locks cross him. Chuuya swiftly turned, eyes widened when he saw the familiar brunette walking. 

"Dazai...?" The ginger called out, his voice surprisingly soft and hesitant. Did he get the wrong person?

The brunette merely tilted his head slightly. A shiver went down Chuuya's spine when he saw the other give him a cold stare. However, this other put up a smile, one not of happiness nor nostalgia but an emotionless one. 

"If it isn't Chuuya." His voice rather distant. 

Only then did the ginger realised the same black coat draped on the brunette's shoulder. Something different was the red scarf lazily hanging on his shoulders. Some brunette locks pushed behind Dazai's right ear.

Chuuya was speechless. Wasn't the scarf his ex-boss's? 

As if Dazai could hear the other's thoughts.

"Mori-san died due to a life threatening illness just last year. I think you can guess the rest."

Chuuya couldn't help but doubt the brunette's words. Illness? He bet not. 

"Huh..." the ginger mumbled, observing the brunette, eyeing the other up and down. Dazai hardly changed. Taller, maybe not...

The ginger was contemplating on whether to ask the younger how he has been. He decided against it when he saw the brunette turn to face him fully. 

The smile faded. "You're in the ADA now..." 

Chuuya wasn't surprised. The brunette guessed it even without him even saying anything. Dazai's voice had an indescribable emotion, sadness? No it wasn't that. It want rage or jealousy either. It was really...blank. Like a empty white piece of paper. The ginger had the ability to know what Dazai was thinking of feeling. Somehow, now, he connection with other seems to be gone. He didn't know what the other was thinking.

"Dazai, I-" the ginger was cut off by the other.

"I don't want to hear it, Chuuya." 

That made the Ginger's heart sink. He was thinking the brunette would have kept quiet, hearing him out like he used to. But it seems the younger had changed.

Dazai continued, "I have to go now."

Chuuya wanted to stop the other but he couldn't. He just couldn't. He took a step but the other said, "And Chuuya."

The ginger bit his lip.

"If you ever get in my way," 

The brunette stood there, staring at the ginger, a sudden cold and strong blast of wind made the brunette's coat lift slightly. The brunette suddenly looked dominating, making Chuuya's legs go weak.

"I'll kill you myself." 

Chuuya's eyes widened as he stared in shock as the brunette turned to walk away.

The ginger stood there, by himself, motionless. The brunette had left a long time ago. He was still standing there, most probably for a few minutes. His mind was somehow, for the first time, blank, empty. He didn't know what to think. Kill? When did Dazai ever hate him. When he was still in the mafia, despite the both of them getting into fights, the brunette never harmed him. 

He was instead protective. Not letting anyone else hurt the ginger. What...happened?

"Chuuya-san, I've been looking for you. Sorry I walked off..." Atsushi trailed off when he saw the ginger standing there. 

The teenager looked worriedly at his senior.


He only saw the ginger waver and collapse to the ground. Atsushi yelped out in shock but was quick to check on the other.

Atsushi sighed in relief when he saw a familiar blonde approaching them in hurried steps.

"Kunikida-san, Chuuya-san..." the teenager found it hard tot all so he decided to explain later. He supported the unconscious ginger with Kunikida's help as they made it back slowly to the ADA office.

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