The truth

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As his finger hovered on the gun trigger, Chuuya tried to enable his ability but it didn't work. Coughing violently, the ginger cursed to himself.

Dazai watched on. He should start running since he didn't want to be next.

Before he could think, the brunette had stepped in front of the ginger, raising his gun at the green haired male. He could understand why he had done that. He had told himself that he'll forever hate the ginger for leaving him but why was he protecting the other?

The green hair looked shocked as his eyes widened. He chuckled, "So that's where my second gun went. Are you going to shoot me?"

The brunette didn't answer. This man may give great information to the mafia but...

The brunette glanced ced over his shoulder to see the ginger who was trying ever so hard to stand on his two feet. He had limited time left.

The brunette pressed the trigger, hitting the other's shoulder which made the green haired scream in agony, clutching his shoulder as he collapsed onto the floor.

The ginger looked with wide eyes. The brunette just quickly turned to the ginger after dropping his gun into his coat pocket.

He supported the ginger before saying calmly, "You're going to die soon so endure the pain for a while."

Chuuya could only nod as both of them successfully made it out of the building.

The ADA, with Rampo's help had successfully located Chuuya and were already at the entrance.

The red head was taken to a nearby hospital and Dazai's subordinates were checking on him. However the brunette merely brushed them off.


"The poison was fatal but we managed to remove it and he's in stable condition now." The nurse explained, holding onto a clipboard with the ginger's report.

"Thank you for telling me."

The nurse just bowed and gestured for the other to go in.

The brunette without hesitation, slid open the door and went in, giving a small smile to the nurse and closing the door afterwards.

Dazai heard the receding steps of the nurse outside and climbed onto the ginger's hospital bed, absentmindedly caressing the other's cheek, letting his hand to thread through the ginger's silky locks of hair which the brunette always loved resting his hand in.

His legs shifted as he retracted his hand.

He hated him. Or did he?

Why did he save and protect him at the end? Out of pity? Out of guilt?

Dazai bit his lip, about to get off an dleave but was stopped by a hand gripping his thigh tightly.

The brunette glanced at the ginger who had his eyes closed but he wasn't asleep obviously.

"Why did you leave me?" The brunette asked , finally mustering the courage to ask. He was scared of the answer, scares that the ginger would reject him. When he heard silence, the brunette's head titled downwards, a shadow covered his eyes. However, his answer came soon.

"What happened then?" The ginger retorted, finally opening his eyes to stare back att he other.

"You left me for the agency." Dazai replied bluntly, not wanting to dwell in the daunting past.

"It was mostly because..." The ginger coughed slightly as he continued, "I rushed in my actions. I thought that you purposely killed my friends and blamed it on me."

Dazai's eyes widened as he wanted to retort, but the ginger stopped him, glancing to the side before glancing back at the other.

"But that wasn't the case right?" I've been thinking about it. There was no way the love of my life who sweared to protect me his whole life would do that."

The brunette's eyes softened as he replied, rather softly.

"Mori-san gave most of the mission to me and the other executives and at the end, he said that if you didn't do anything major to help the mafia, he'll..."

"Kill me?" The ginger said, noticing the brunette's hesitation.

Seeing Dazai nod, the ginger knew what happened but he still listened to the other, the brunette's hand clenching on the white blanket covering the ginger, legs slightly squeezing the other's waist.

"So, I...planned and when the time came, I bombed up the bar and killed your friends and placed the accomplishment on you, thinking it'll make Mori-san acknowledge it and promote you."

The ginger remembered the sour look Dazai gave him on that day two years ago and shut his eyes. He finally understood the whole picture. His rushed actions not only hurt himself but Dazai as well.

A comforting smile crept up Chuuya's face as he wille himself to lift his hips up and turn, making the brunette gasp in shock and collapse beside him.

Wrapping his arms around the burnette though his body was sore made him chuckled when he saw the widening of eyes.

Dazai hesitantly raised his arms, slowly and gently wrapping them arouns the ginger, scared he'll hurt the other.

Chuuya merely waited, he didn't mind allowing the brunette taking hsi time to be comfortable with him. The brunette deserved it after all. He will be patient this time, just like how the brunette has always been with him.

Connecting lips with the ginger, the brunette pressed himself closer to the other, relishing the familiar plump lips which always touched his in the past.

"I love you so much, Chuuya."

The ginger hummed, kissing back.

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