Only this once

967 31 11

Running though the hallways, the ginger looked out for any of his belongings could be found. Help from the ADA would be a lot of help.

However, the ginger, upon noticing the other suddenly stopping when about to turn the corner, he stopped.

He only saw the brunette trying to catch a glimpse of the other hallways, he sighed. The ginger just boldly walked out, seeing no one, he continued walking the way he remembered the green haired had took him.

The brunette exclaimed, "You idiot! Get back here." He might've said he won't help nor look out for the ginger but he didn't want to get caught because of him either.

The ginger stared in confusion at the other, only seeing the the brunette point upwards. Chuuya glanced upwards and saw a camera he had missed.

He merely enabled his ability, making the camera shatter. He looked back at the brunette with a smirk. Dazai faced palmed himself before he ran the opposite way of Chuuya was heading.

The ginger raised a brow but he soon caught on when he head the thumping footsteps heading his way. Soon after, a blaring alarm emitted throughout the hallway, the ginger heard locks flipping, locking each door he could see.

"Shit!" The ginger enabled his ability, forcefully prying the door off it's hinges and throwing at the men who had just reached the level they were on.

He heard the screams of the men but bullets started flying his way. He cursed to himself as he continued running, using his ability to pry each door off it's hinges with a snap and throwing it behind him aimlessly.

The force of the flying door will without doubt injure a few men or at least make them immobile. He's so going to have a lecture from Kunikida and president. The ADA worked differently from the mafia after all. The people's safety was their priority. They couldn't injure or kill their enemies unless needed.

It was only a matter of seconds before he caught up with the running brunette.

Knowing Chuuya was behind him, the brunette exclaimed, no stopping his busy legs.

"You impatient slug. Try to get them off your tail."

An unexpectant smile dances over Chuuya's lips, it seems the brunette has realised it too. He had let that nickname of the ginger roll of his tongue unconsciously. Though the brunette was ahead of him, the ginger didn't fail to notice the tint of pink on the brunette's cheek, barely there.

The ginger's smile faded when he noticed the men behind them catching up. It doesn't seem like Chuuya had anymore doors to throw at them, so they'll just have to continue running.

Running was starting to get tiring and it seemed that the duo were going in circles so the ginger just stopped in his tracks, catching his breath before enabling his ability once again. The men following close behind stopped and raised their guns, no hesitating to shoot at the other, the ginger convinced himself that he'll be forgiven and maybe he could blame it on Dazai.

He stopped all the bullets, a red hue illuminating all of them, with a strong kick, the bullets all flew back to the men, shooting each and one of them down The ginger smirked, he missed that trick, it always worked.

When he turned, ready to start running and catch up with the brunette, he was surprised when he saw Dazai a few meters ahead of him, staring at him. Chuuya noticed the corner of the brunette's lips raise before Dazai quickly composed himself, nodding slightly at the other before continuing to run.

Dazai wouldn't admit it but he always admired the ginger's multiple tricks with his amazing ability. The brunette always observed every move the ginger did when they were in a fight. Despite him using the same old tricks, the brunette was never bored of it.

As both resulted in turning around and walking through the corpses and injured people, the duo found the stairs and started walking down, deciding not to rush for now, to catch their breath.


The duo didn't get to react before a hulled was shot from God knows where. The ginger barely dodged it, the bullet scraping his cheek and blood immediately flowing out of the new wound.

Chuuya ignored the cold air hitting the wound and the stinging sensation slowly building around the wound. He continued running, using his ability to try and use anything inside the rooms to block the person behind him.

Using his forearm to wipe away the flowing blood, the ginger glanced at the brunette who was currently looking behind, trying to look pass the items Chuuya piled up. He sucked in a deep breath when he saw a green haired kicking down the mountains of piled items. He grumbled as he pulled the brunette by the coat, lifting him on his shoulders before running faster than before.

It would've been much easier if he could use his ability but No longer human nullified it.

The brunette sighed, letting the contact go, it benefitted him anyway.
He just decided to be Chuuya's eyes instead.

"Green hair is catching up to you, Chuuya. Better run faster."

"You think it's easy to hold up two people's waist?"

"Im lighter than you though."

A grumble from the other but the ginger picked up speed, hoping to get the one behind off their tail.

Feeling the sudden stinging sensation on the wound on his cheek, the ginger winced as he slowed down.

The brunette upon noticing that, asked as the ginger willed himself to continue running, "What's wrong still you?"

The other stayed silent, suddenly feeling it hard to breathe, was the wound affecting him? No, it can't be, it only scraped his cheek. It didn't hit any vessels nor anything vital.

The ginger only felt the stinignsensation get even more excruciating and he felt his heart rate increase rapidly. Before he knew, he wavered as he stopped, breathing in heavily, feeling his heart pound itself onto his ribcage continously.

The brunette got off, glancing at the other before his attention was turned to the green haired who had finally caught up with them."

The ginger coughed as he saw the brunette starting to take a few steps back, most likely ready to run. Chuuya understood, the brunette, so young yet had so many responsibilities on his shoulders. He had a whole mafia under his hand.

He only caught a glimpse of the green haired who was smirking, taking his own sweet time to walk to the duo. Purple veins marked the ginger's cheek, slowly spreading to his neck as Chuuya coughed.

"Poison..." The brunette muttered, barely audible to the ginger.

"That's right. My bullets have poison in them." The green haired who had finally caught up with them, explained.

He raised his gun, pointing it to the ginger, "But I have to say, you must have a strong immunity, you could still run, Golding another's person's weight and only started to weaken now. Most are dead by now."

Taking another few steps back, the brunette bit his lip when he saw the green haired glance at him. But his attention was turned to Chuuya, ready to shoot him.

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