On your own

889 32 16

"So, what do you want with me and Chuuya."

The brunette rolled his eyes when he said the ginger's name. He despised the other so much that merely talking about him made Dazai's face contort in disgust.

"You're my main target, Dazai Osamu."

The brunette hummed in curiosity.

"And why is that?"

"Your god like brain."

The hooded figure bend down to Dazai's height as the brunette was chained to the bed. He let his finger tip rest on the other's forehead before continuing, "Your body too."

A smirk appeared on the brunette's face.

"Aren't you a greedy one."

The other scoffed, waving his hand with a gun in the air before keeping the weapon in his coat pocket. He let his hands caress the other's thigh, letting it trail down to the brunette's crotch as Dazai bit his lip, inhaling a shallow breath.

"I rather you have your hands kept to yourself." The brunette lifted his feet, pushing the other away lightly, giving him a sign.

The other merely straightened his posture as he sighed, "I'll come again later to see if you've changed your mind."

Dazai gave a smile as he watched the other leave the room. When the other closed the door and receding footsteps were heard, the brunette's smile dropped. He fished out the gun he had in hand which was resting behind his back. He observed the gun, checking the bullets inside before sighing.  At least he had a gun now.

"Naive bastard..." The brunette chuckled to himself.

Well that guy wasn't really that stupid. He had took away all his hidden daggers and scalpels, he had none left. He cursed himself for not taking extra that day. Nothing to break the chains with, he would just have to wait. Stuffing the gun underneath the pillow, the brunette yawned in boredom, swinging his legs that was surprisingly dangling off the bed.


The door was kicked up as the brunette glanced at the door, noticing the hooded figure from just now hunched over, looking rather tired. He only saw a hand snatch the hood before pulling it down. The other grunted, trying to pry the hands away from his hood. But to no avail as his hood slipped off his head.

A green haired male was revealed. No one Dazai knew but at least he knew what his kidnapper looks like now. He might be able to report it to- 

Before his thoughts trailed too far, the brunette heard a rather familiar and unmistakable voice.

"Let go of me you motherfu-"

However, before he could finish the sentence the green haired just gave a sharp kick which the brunette guessed was the ginger's stomach. The brunette winced slightly, looked painful. He hated pain after all.

Sighing in exasperation, the green haired gave Dazai a irritated frown before saying, "I brought you a roommate."

He dragged in a ginger, throwing him into the room before stretching his sore back.

"An annoying and tiring one at that."

"Don't put me in the same room with him." The brunette whined, staring at the other.

"Well I'm sorry but it doesn't look like you even had a choice in the first place. Also, I don't really have a lot of clean rooms. Be grateful that I reserved such a luxurious room for you two." 

The other retorted, pulling his hood on before roughly yanking the other's arm up, dragging the ginger to the opposite side of the bed and cuffing him. 

Chuuya could only glare at the other, that kick made his insides twist in agony  and he was still trying to recover. Coughing a few times, the green haired sighed.

"Don't do anything funny." The other warned before leaving the room.

The brunette didn't bother to check on the other nor glance at the ginger who wa still coughing his lungs out. 

However, soon, the coughing stopped and the ginger finally inhaled a deep breath.

Dazai finally glanced at the other with his uncovered caramel brown eye, looking at Chuuya with a cold stare. The ginger returned the gaze but with narrowed eyes.

After a minute or so of staring contests, the ginger finally sighed, climbing up to the bed and saying, "Stop staring at me like that."

The brunette scoffed, "I can't help but notice your horrendous face."

The ginger merely rolled his eyes as he rested his sore head on the given pillow.

Dazai just stared, thinking if the ginger would kill him if he had the chance. So, he mustered the courage to ask.

"Got any weapons to help me get out?"

"What do you mean me? Is it not us? You're not the only damsel in distress here you know."

The ginger was in the agnecy before something similar happened to him. Smoke and then a hooded figure knocked him out. However, Chuuya woked up when they had just arrived.

The brunette glared at the other, waiting for the answer, ignoring the comment Chuuya made.

The ginger sighed in annoyance as he continued, "He took away my dagger but knowing you..." The ginger stopped, pushing a few locks behind his ear, taking out a paper clip from his hair which was clipping a few lcoks of his hair before passing it to the other.

"You can pick the lock."

The brunette contemplated for a second whether he should accept the pin. After a few silent seconds, the brunette snatched the paper clip out of the ginger's hand, doing quick work with the chains binding his wrist. 

In a few seconds, the chain opened and fell to the floor.

Thinking he could happily leave the ginger behind, he looked up only to see the ginger staring right back at him, holding the door knob already.

"Hurry up, let's go."

The brunette cursed t himself when he saw the remaining of the chains on the bed, broke into many pieces. How could he forget about Chuuya's ability.

When he followed the ginger out into the hallway, he turned to face the ginger.

Chuuya looked back lazily at him.

The brunette started briskly walking ahead, saying, "You're on your own now, I won't help you along the way, I'll leave you behind."

The ginger hummed, nodding to himself, "Even if I use corruption?"

The brunette didn't answer, still walking, not even turning his head to look at the other. Chuuya knew the other heard him but he seemed to ignore it.

"I hope you do..." the ginger muttered to himself, knowing his voice was inaudible for the other to hear.

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