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The ginger exhaled slowly, trying in vain to calm himself down.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, the ginger just continued walking briskly to the exit of the mafia building. It was only a few seconds before the brunette caught up with the other.

Reaching out for Chuuya's hand, the brunette pulled the ginger towards him, embracing him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what came over me..."

However, unlike his forgiving self, Chuuya found himself pushing the other away, beads of tears threatening to fall. It was rare that he cried. But when he did, it hurt a lot.

"It's okay, Dazai. I just need some time to myself."

The ginger's heart ached when he saw the dismay on the other's face so he just gave a peck on the other's cheek before turning to leave.


Chuuya was not only devastated by his friend's but clueless on why Dazai killed them and blamed it on him.

The ginger didn't want a promotion, nor did he want any praise from his boss.


"You're not cut out for the mafia, Chuuya. Go and do what you want with your life."

Biting his lip, Chuuya folded the paper in four before pushing it into his coat pocket.

Briskly walking to the brunette's office, the ginger easily unlocked the office door with the spare key Dazai gave him.

Slipping the note underneath a pile of papers on the desk, the ginger removed his hat. It was a nice hat though Dazai always complained it was tacky.

He chuckled upon recalling the brunette's teases. He'll miss him. He loved the other, he really did but...

He placed the hat on the desk before slipping out of the office, locking it and placing the key back into his pokcet. He glanced back at the big oak doors once again before smiling nostalgically.


Yawning the brunette unlocked his office door. He didn't get a wink of sleep last night. He couldn't anyway.

Noticing the familiar hat on his desk, the brunette raised a brow as he gently lifted it, observing it. It was definitely Chuuya's hat.

Catching a glimpse of a small paper underneath his pile of unfinished work, the brunette cautiously grabbed it. It wasn't here when he left yesterday.

Unfolding the note, he skimmed through the words in the note.

The brunette grit his teeth, crushing the paper in his fist, his other hand curled up, digging his own nails until his own fist bled. However, he felt no pain. He felt nothing except betrayal.

For the first time, he let tears fell, from rage and sadness.

"Why...Chuuya? I thought you loved me."

The brunette muttered to himself as he crushed the paper into a ball with ease, dropping it on the ground. He grabbed the ginger's hat, leaving his office. The crushed paper ball still on the ground, still and a sign of betrayal to the brunette.

"Chuuya-san, you're on patrol with me today."

The ginger sighed at the enthusiastic teenager beside him. He opened his eyes lazily, staring at the white haired male.

The ginger tied his loose stands of hair into a messy ponytail before dusting off his clothes before following the eager teenager out of the office.

It has been two years and Chuuya found a new job after leaving the mafia. The Armed Detective Agnecy was a rather unique fit for him but someone suggested it to him.

The duo left the building and went on their patrol. The Chuuya was looking at nothing in particular. This patrol was only to make sure Yokohama'a streets were safe. Interesting things hardly happened.

Noticing the teenager far ahead of him, he exclaimed.

"Hey kid, not so fast. We'll, get separated."

The ginger couldn't trust the other, the teenager had a habit of getting into trouble evertime he wasn't looking.

"I can take care of myself." The white haired complained, waiting for the ginger to catch up.

"Says the one who almost died."

Before the teenager could answer, Chuuya continued, "twice....Atsushi, twice."

The other pouted as he retorted, "That wasn't my fault. That damn Akutagawa keeps on picking on me."

Chuuya smiled slightly. The mafia...
He wondered if everything was good there. He hoped it was. His smile disappeared when he remembered the brunette.

"I wonder how Dazai is..." The ginger muttered to himself.

"Did you say something, Chuuya-san?"
The ginger glanced at the white haired teenager and smiled, shaking his head.

"Nothing, let's finish our patrol and get lunch."

The other just nodded and continued walking.


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