Chapter 7

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The next day [Y/N] stayed off work, bandages wrapped around her neck and wrapped up in a blanket in her living room sipping on a cup of tea. Her eyes were glued to the TV all day, she refused to go out in the back garden in case of another burn mark.

Once the hospital had taken a look at her neck Aizawa had walked her home, once he had taken her inside and put her to bed. God he was always saving her wasn't he? He had then made his way over to her backdoor and took a look at the burn mark. A photo was sent and a call was placed, before Aizawa left two police officers were now stationed at each door, two in the front and two in the back, and another police car was patrolling around her street.

As the sun set [Y/N] began heading to her bedroom, tiredness sweeping over her. Her eyelids beginning to get heavy. As she slumped over in her bed, wrapped up in her duvet as darkness invaded her senses. Soon she was out.

As the night continued on the police officers felt some tiredness sweeping over themselves but that did not make them less alert. Although they did not see or hear nor notice the long knife that stabbed right through their necks and into the others' neck. It made them both begin choking on their blood as it was retracted back into the owner's body and turn back to the man's arm.

Teal eyes watched all the while.

The man then made his way to the back of [Y/N]'s house, intending to kill the other police officers. Unknown of the other dark figure following him. The killer's eyes latched onto the two police officers, his arm silently morphed into a long sharp blade before he plunged into the other two officer's neck making them choke on their blood before they collapsed to the ground. A small thud following.

The killer then turned to the door and began using his arm to pick the lock, once it was unlocked he swung open the door. He took a step in.

Then a warm hand latched onto his neck.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Dabi's voice reached his ears as the hand around his neck began to heat up a little. "Tsurugi what are your plans here?" The man tensed even more once his name was spoken.

"Just paying a visit to the pretty little lady that stays here is all," Tsurugi's spoke informing Dabi of his plans. Dabi's hand heated up even more anger coursing through his vein being pumped by his heart.

"And who do you think you are visiting MY toy?" Dabi spat, Tsurugi shook slightly feeling the tension emanating from the man behind him. "You will not touch her, you will not look at her, she is MINE." A growl ripped from Dabi's lips. Tsurugi nodded before being shoved forward, he swung around to see the dark figure in front of him. "Now piss off!" Dabi took a step forward punctuating his words.

"Alright man I'm leaving, I'm leaving." Tsurugi put his hands up and began walking towards Dabi and the door behind him. Dabi's eyes watched him leave listening for the receding steps of the man. Once he left Dabi shut the backdoor and took a deep breath taking in the scent of his beloved home.

Dabi's eyes swept over every area of his beloved's house, he began softly walking around her home taking in every room gracing his fingers over surface he could find. The kitchen counter she ate at, the sofa she sat on, the table she did her work on it was all so inviting. He could imagine her moving around this home, with him. His eyes traced the area visualing her cooking for him, cleaning for him, fucking her on the sofa, fucking her on the table, fucking her on the kitchen counter. God he wanted that so bad, but she wasn't ready yet.

Her poor soft little weak heart would give out, she needs to get used to him a bit more first. Just a little more though.

His eyes turned to the kitchen once again, a noise grumbled from his stomach. She wouldn't mind him taking a little food for him would she? He made his way over to the fridge, Dabi's lips quirked up into a smirk seeing how stocked she kept the fridge. Cute. He reached in and grabbed the cheese, butter and ham. A sandwich was all that was on his mind.

After Dabi's sandwich he placed the knife and plate he used into the sink softly, his mind now switching to the woman sleeping in the bedroom up above him. He made his way over to the stairs and began ascending, his eyes sweeping over the unknown portion of the house. It was just as cutely decorated as the rest. His eyes moved to the three doors on the landing, his hands gripped the one on his left.

He slowly opened the door, nothing was in there. A few boxes but it was essentially empty. An empty room. After sweeping the room once again Dabi closed the door and moved to the door on the far right.

A motion sensor light turned on with a small click as he opened the door it illuminated the bathroom he had stepped into. A bathtub with a shower head greeted him alongside a sink and some cupboards containing her bathroom stuff. Dabi began imaging them showering together, his bathroom stuff mixed in with hers, fucking her in the bath, washing her hair in the bath. He closed the door and waited for the light to turn off before he reached for the middle door's knob.

He opened it, it was much warmer than the rest of the house. His eyes picked up on the large bed and the lump on it, his beloved was sleeping there. Dabi closed the door silently behind him before further stepping into the room. His bright blue eyes scanned the warm room, it was so nice. He loved this room more than the rest of the other house. Dabi stepped slowly towards the bed before he came to a complete stop next to her sleeping form.

He reached out a hand to her soft locks he stroked them softly staring at her gorgeous sleeping form, god she was so cute even when she was sleeping. Dabi stopped stroking her hair for a moment then he placed his hand onto her bedside table, he allowed it to heat up before a smell permeated his nose which he then removed his hand. Dabi looked down at the burn mark he left on her bedside table, a smirk placed itself onto his lips before he turned back to the woman sleeping.

He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead, her smell was intoxicating. After the small kiss he walked back to the door, stealing one more look at his woman sleeping in the bed oh so lonely. He would be next to her soon enough and nothing would stand in his way.

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