Chapter 14

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[Y/N]'s nights soon became restless, paranoid that every little sound was Dabi coming to torment her even more. She barely slept and when she did she was plagued by nightmares, nightmares that left her sweating and screaming in terror when she awoke. [Y/N] barely ate, barely slept she was unravelling and crumbling. She spent most of her days sat on her sofa or on her bed staring at the walls waiting, waiting for what she didn't know.

She became so used to hallucinating Dabi in her room at night she began to become less and less scared of seeing him when she awoke. She eventually brushed it off as her mind playing tricks on her, so much so she didn't even flinch when she awoke to find another hallucination staring at her when she opened her eyes.

"Go away, please I just want some sleep." She grumbled turning her head away from the hallucination. "I know you're just a figment of my imagination so please just disappear," she pleaded to the figure of her mind.

A chuckle left the figure, "Having dreams of me sweetheart? How cute." His gruff voice spoke out to her tired form. Her hallucinations had never spoken before. She sat bolt right up, her mind snapping to attention as she came to the realisation the figure in front of her was the real Dabi. She was still wrapped up in her blankets as the man sat down on her bed inches away from her.

"Please what do you want from me?" She begged holding the covers closer to her, like a child trying to protect herself from the big bad monster under the bed.

"What do I want?" The man, although keeping his eyes on her, put a hand to his chin in contemplation. "Well," he began, "I want you." He finished placing a hand closer to her and watching as she shuffled away slightly inching near to the end of the bed.

"Me? But why?" The woman pleaded, tears springing to her eyes.

"Because I do, I want your pain, I want your body, I want your sadness, I want all of you just for me. Because you're mine and I don't like to share my playthings." His voice was filled with conviction.

"Is that why you hurt Aizawa?" She asked slowly and tentatively.

"Of course, couldn't have another person getting close to my toy." He smirked at the woman, his teal eyes lighting up in delight.

"Please don't hurt anyone else."

"Depends how good you are for me."

"What can I do to stop you from hurting anyone else?"

"You can come with me without a fight when I decide it's time."

"I- "

"Unless you want me hurt some of your students, they're not as skilled as Pro Heroes are they?"

[Y/N]'s face twisted in fear at the mention of him hurting her students, fear soon turned to terror as the man grabbed her wrist and brought her towards him. He pinned the woman down on to her bed; both of her hands were restrained by one of his much larger ones.

"Now, be a good girl and let me put some more marks on your pretty body. That way no-one else will want you and you'll be mine completely." Dabi spoke close to her ear, his warm breath tickling her ear. His hand moved towards her pyjama top as tears dripped down from her eyes, but she was quiet scared of him following through with his promise of hurting her students. His mouth moved to her neck, beginning to suckle and bite at the soft flesh that still had some burn marks on it.

It would be a long night.

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