Chapter 18

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The next morning [Y/N] awoke to warm arms wrapped around her naked body she turned around slowly knowing exactly who was behind her. Dabi's eyes were closed as he let out small breaths, he looked so peaceful. [Y/N] stared at the man before her, he was pretty good looking when he was asleep, but her mind was screaming at her to get away from him. He had caused her so much pain and the others around her but last night he was so gentle and kind to her. Praising her instead of degrading her.

"You staring at me sweetheart?" Dabi's gruff and deep morning voice shook her from her thoughts of last night. His teal eyes stared at her; a light look in his eyes tinged with a dark possessive nature as he stared at her own eyes. Dabi groaned before unwrapping his arms from the woman, even if he didn't want to. "Well duty calls unfortunately," he stretched his arms up before he sat up. He then turned his head towards the woman still staring at him as she was still laid down. He placed one of his warm hands on her cheek, "Our home will be ready tonight so pack some essentials and I'll come and get you when the sunsets."

His voice was soft, but his words made [Y/N]'s stomach drop, tonight he would take her from her home and everyone to stay with him. [Y/N] was going to be all alone with him with no one to save her. Dabi continued to stare at her, so she nodded her head slightly making Dabi's lips twist up into a content smile.

"Good girl." He spoke as he moved away from the woman and collected his clothes. He dressed quickly before moving towards the still woman before him, "I'll see you later sweetheart," he pressed a quick kiss on her temple before moving to leave.

[Y/N] laid there for the next few minutes playing with the notion of running away, just leaving and taking a flight anywhere, but her students would be in danger if she did. Her mind working overtime as she stared at the ceiling thinking over the previous night, his gentleness and his loving words luring her into a state of calmness. Then she sat up and looked down at her arms seeing all of the bruises, slightly green and purple alongside the burn marks decorating her skin.

[Y/N] moved to get dressed and begin doing what Dabi had instructed her to do, blindly following his orders like some kind of pet. Her small backpack lay at her feet as she was sat on her bed relishing in the peacefulness that she had left before being taken away.

Aizawa sprang to her mind, his pain and near death. Her students being continuously threatened, their safety and all the things Dabi has done to aid in their pain and trauma at such a young age. Then her mind went to Dabi, his grip on her body and mind seeming to never waver. The pain he caused her and the bruises and scars still scarring her body. Then to his gentleness and kind words the previous night, sure he was rough but not as rough as he was previously. The gentle way he held her face and the small loving kisses he placed all over her body, taking special care on the burns he caused.

"I don't know what to do," her shaky voice spoke out in the world, [Y/N] just felt defeated knowing it was inevitable that he would take her, and she should just accept it. Aizawa, the one man she loved, was suffering in the hospital because of her unable to do what he loved all because of her.

Then it switched to Dabi, the gentle way he held her last night, but also the rough ways he has handled her. Slamming her against walls and burning her, but it was to mark her as his. The way he so clearly loved her and wanted her to himself, he clearly wanted her, but he doesn't know how to show it. If she's a good girl then no one else will get hurt and Dabi would be gentler with her.

If she was a good girl and listened to him and did what he wanted she'll be loved, and he'll be gentler on her and no one else would get hurt. As [Y/N] came to this conclusion Dabi made his way upstairs taking in [Y/N]'s own home for the last night before he came with her to their new home where no one else would be able to look at her or see her. He was giddy, almost a skip in his step as he came to the top of the stairs.

Dabi made his way into the bedroom where he was almost knocked off his feet in pure excitement, his toy, his slut, his baby was sat there on her made bed dressed and with a small backpack laying at her feet. She had done what he asked like the good girl she is. He was amazed that she hadn't run, but he knew she wouldn't: her students were at risk.

"Hey baby you ready to go?" He asked leaning on the doorframe, [Y/N]'s face snapped up looking at the man in front of her. The pair stared at each other for a beat, before the woman nodded her head. She turned away from the man to grab her backpack, but Dabi beat her to it, she didn't even here him move. "I'll carry that. Grab a drink I'll need to knock you out so you can't run away, and I don't want to hurt you, so I've got you a sleeping pill." He spoke shrugging the backpack onto his shoulder and taking out the pack of sleeping pills he had in his pocket.

[Y/N] nodded her head as she moved to grab her unfinished glass of water from earlier, Dabi's bright blue eyes on her the entire time. She moved back to Dabi with the glass in her hand and took the packet of pills from Dabi's outstretched hand. Dabi watched her in excitement and obsessiveness. The woman, under Dabi's gaze, popped out one pill onto her hand, "Take two." Dabi commanded making the woman wordlessly pop out a second one. Then she drank some water and put the two pills into her mouth before swallowing.

Dabi took the glass from her hand and placed it on her nightstand, then he moved back to the woman and pressed his hands onto her shoulders. He guided her to sit down on the bed, she stared up at him through her lashes making his thoughts turn lewd for a moment. Dabi then sat next to her and placed an arm around her head to guide her head onto his shoulder.

"Is it far away?" Her voice was slow and quiet. Dabi hummed looking at the woman, her eyes shutting as her breaths were slow.

"Yeah, it'll be just you and me." Dabi spoke softly and vaguely, seeing if she was trying to get information on the place they were going.

"Is it pretty?" She asked, her question made Dabi smile, she wasn't trying to get information just trying to quell her curiosity.

"Yes, you'll love it." Dabi whispered feeling her head getting heavier on his shoulder and her breaths getting slower. He looked down at the woman, "Asleep already?" He asked and when [Y/N] made no move to answer confirming the answer. Dabi smiled to himself as he lifted the woman into his arms, she was so light it was like carrying nothing at all. "Come on lets go home." He spoke moving to leave the house with her in his arms.

In the hospital across town Aizawa's room was silent apart from the monitors beeping quietly, a nurse entered the room to check on him. She leaned over to check the monitors and saw that they had altered slightly so she turned to look at the man fearing the worst but what she saw made her flinch. The man who was once peacefully sleeping was now staring at the ceiling with wide open eyes.

The nurse paged his doctor as she stared at the hero before her, Aizawa was awake.

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