Chapter One

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12 Grimmauld place was surprisingly quiet. The foxes outside in the bins had long since disappeared, even the family of sparrows had quietened. Yet, Lucianna couldn't sleep. Tomorrow would mark her third year at Hogwarts and the idea of that alone filled her with dread and anxiety. Not to mention that of all the days this could have happened it had to be before the return of school.

Her hair was bright green. For the past half an hour, she had been staring at the mirror in her bathroom trying to figure out how to reverse this. She knew she could reverse this , she knew why it had gone green as well. She unknowingly had the gift of Metamorphosis, just like her 'cousin' Nymphadora Tonks. "Merlin's bread. What am I meant to do?"

The light knocking on the door shocked her. "Heyyyy little wolf , you okay in there ?" Her Papa Remus cooed, "Remus!" Her dad Sirius hissed , "what if she's , I don't know, in there becoming a woman". Even through the door Lucianna knew her dad was doing some sort of arm movement to try and shake his discomfort at the thought of having to talk to his daughter about puberty, seeming as they usual got either Molly or Tonks to do so. Unbeknownst to her , Remus had lightly whacked Sirius and was to begin lecturing him on period positivity.

"Dads! Stop okay ! I've been having my period since - well okay that doesn't matter! It's worst than that!" With that declaration Lucianna flew the door open.

"Well... ah. Seems that you're a metamorphmagi." Sirius blurted out, earning him another whack from Remus for his lack of sympathy.

"I look horrible! I can't go back to school with this going on , how do I change this!" She raged, with that her hair changed yet again to a bright red. "Hey look! Your hair is red now ! It looks good!" Another whack from Remus , "will you stop hitting me, I'm trying to help." Sirius shouted while dramatically pouring. Although he thought he was helping, Sirius was oblivious to the plight of teenage girls.

With that Lucianna shoved the door closed and went back to trying to figure it out.


The next morning Lucianna was woken by a loud knocking. "LUC ! LUC! Open uppppppp! It's your favourite person!" Tonks voice rang out in a sing song tone. Before she could even leave the comfort of her warm bed the door swung open and tonks was charging in. "Hey little morphy! My merlin I can't believe it another Metamorphmagi in the family !" Her cheery nature this early in the morning was not returned. As she said herself next to Lucianna she calmed down and went to stroke the strands of hair that had fallen in front of her face. "Woooo, Luc your hair it's pink!" With that Lucianna jumped up and ran to her mirror, it wasn't as bad as she imagined if anything it was quite nice. As she played around with it she could see Tonks in the reflection of the mirror grinning.

"Listen. I know it's a shock but listen it's a cool as fuck thing to have. Plus, this year you'll definitely have some extra popularity." Lucianna turned round and smiled, "I guess so. It's just, I don't want to stand out. Not this year , I already do and the slytherins already take the piss out of me and with this it can't help." Tonks face changed, she hadn't thought about that, she knew from experience what it was like to be at school with this blood puritists who already didn't like her because her mum had dared to break tradition, yet she also didn't have the next thing ti worry about while at school. " wellll. Luc , I shouldn't be telling you this but I think that might be the least of your worries." Her smile was forced and Lucianna returned the emotion with wide eyes and a stoney expression. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "Well... you see Remus is-" she coughed "going to be your new defence against the dark acts teacher!" She  hastily said. With that, Lucianna had run downstairs shouting "WHAT," alongside some very hushed words of profanity. All the while Tonks couldn't help but laugh. Lucianna was really Sirius' daughter.


After a lot of shouting and reassuring that Remus wouldn't "embarrass the hell" out of Lucianna , the Lupin-black house finally sat down for breakfast. Tonks had grabbed Sirius' piece of toast and Jam while flying out the door shouting that she had to get back to the ministry due to some rather important and concerning news and that all the Aurors had been called in. Lupin-Black family paid no mind. While in the midst of their breakfast and more reassurance that Lucianna's hair looked nice as its new shade of bubblegum pink, the house was filled with the ever so familiar voice of Molly Weasley.

"Hello lovelies! I've brought some cakes and sandwiches for everyone's train journey." Lucianna smiled. Molly was like another parent to her, ever since she could remember Molly was there to give advice that her dads (no matter how hard they tried) couldn't give a growing girl. With no time to even acknowledge Molly's presence Lucianna was tackled by two lanky ginger boys; the cheeky troublesome Weasley twins.

"Hello old friend it has been so long since," George dramatically said while pretending to weep, "it's like we've been apart for so long, our trio has been incomplete." Fred added. The feeling of Fred holding Lucianna was not unfamiliar yet she couldn't help but blush, her pink hair growing in vibrancy.

"Oh Lucy, your hair!" Molly cooed "you look so beautiful." This made Lucianna's hair grow brighter and her blush more noticeable. All of a sudden she felt a hand stroking her hair, as she turned round to look at who she was surprised it was Fred. His face was relaxed and concentrated on her hair. "Luc..." he breathed, " your hair, it's beautiful." Their eyes locked on together and for a moment Lucianna and Fred could have sworn they felt something different than they had ever had before. But just as soon as the feeling was felt a cough was heard , it was Sirius. He had seen how Fred was looking at his daughter , the same way he looked at Remus and although he quite liked the trouble marker his fatherly instincts kicked in and he felt like marching over to the ginger twin and pulling him out of the room by his ear. Remus was smirking at his husband, although they had been married for quite some time he could have sworn he fell in love harder every day.

" thanks guys, turns out I'm a Metamorphmagus," everyone's eyes slightly widened and started asking questions. This went on for another half an hour before Remus suggested they start moving. Not before Sirius had to dramatically call out "right younglings let's get you all to the station for another year of education."


After lots of hugs and "be careful" , " don't get into trouble" and Remus and Sirius practically making out and grossing out all the children. They boarded the train and went about finding a place to sit.

As they boarded the train Remus left to find a carriage on his own to try and sleep , after all the events of last night and the approaching full moon , it was making him even more exhausted than normal. Lucianna was worried that teaching would only exhaust him more but she did like the idea that she could see her papa whenever she wanted though her teenage angst would never admit that out loud. None of her friends knew about Remus' lycanthropy, she knew she could trust them to know but she wouldn't tell them , it wasn't her secret to tell.

As her, Fred and George climbed onto the train her thoughts went to Harry. Due to a number of reasons (all of which Lucianna thought were ridiculous) Harry still had to live at the Dursley's over summer. But at Easter and Christmas he would spend them at the lupin-black house or at the burrow. She knew that Ron and Hermione had gone to meet him at Diagon ally but was concerned when she hadn't seen them at the platform. She knew they'd be fine , plus Sirius wouldn't leave til he saw the train leave the station.

"Hey Lucy, this one's free." George stated, and shortly after the trio piled into the compartment.

Although the three weren't in the same year they had been friends since Lucianna was little on the note that the twins had reminded Sirius of himself. Remus on the other hand loved the friendship as the two boys had always been protective of Lucianna like they were with their little sister Ginny. She did have other friends; Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and a lot of the Gryffindors. Yet, Fred, George and Lucianna were a trio, best friends and partners in crime although Lucianna had managed to always somehow avoid getting caught (largely due to her being able to run incredibly quick from the scene of the prank).

Yet, something felt different this year. It felt as if this year above all others was going to be different, the air itself was different colder even as if a storm was brewing outside of the small warm compartment that the three shared.

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