Her Dances are mine..So is She

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As the evening was falling Anuj was desperately waiting for "Her" one and only his Anupama. She 'the love of his life', She 'a piece of his Soul', She 'whose smiles cure pains', She 'whose voice soothes hearts', She 'in whole the most beautiful sight one can see & feel, and only He can touch'.Months have been passed since he met her. The Last hug was few weeks back already feeling like light years back. The heart was beating too fast. Breathing feels heavy. Clock seems to stand still. Dheeraj suddenly blabbered what a party, such beautiful faces. Dheeraj noticed Anuj looking at the door. He took a deep sigh and gripped Anuj's cold hand.

Dheeraj was finding it difficult to say anything.
There are no words with which he can put Anuj's heart at ease. 5 days are left. Anuj still remembers how she was his only. His Wife, from vermilion on her forehead to anklets in her feet. Her mind her body her soul all colored with his love.

Remembering this his heart aches with sadness.
She was right the deepest well is the "Well of pain" but not only she they both are drowning in it.

She was right the deepest well is the "Well of pain" but not only she they both are drowning in it

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Finally, the moment came. She is here. Anuj's Anupama is here. She entered in to the room cladded in saree, smiling with sad eyes. It is often the biggest smile hiding the saddest heart.
Her restless yet beautiful kohl rimmed eyes scanned the room and lingered on him. His heart skipped few beats. He felt a sudden urge to hold her hand, grab her from waist and kiss her as she is his' only.
Everyone praises applauding her achievements.
Every light seems to be getting dimmer in front of her. Everyone was dancing, laughing and trying to catch her attention. Anuj sat there just looking at her thinking how destiny played with them.

Lost in memories Anupama felt a tap on her shoulder. Aha, Samar! is here, her biggest cheerleader, goes on knees and requests for a dance.

She said yes. After-all dance momentarily conceals all her pains but still her eyes were not listening to her yet every time they lingered on Anuj. Suddenly Samar gave her a roll and another handsome fan requested for a dance. She hesitated. The fan insisted, everyone cheered, she said yes reluctantly.

Anuj POV:  I cannot stop her. She can dance with whomever she wants. I lost all my rights on her. I can bear this.

But on the contrary to his thoughts as soon as the man holds her hand in one hand Anuj stood up. The man approaches toward her waist with the other hand when all of a sudden the man felt a tight grip on his wrist. Grip was so tight that 6ft 3 " strong, muscular man out cried in pain. The man turned in direction of the hand holding his wrist he saw a furious, enraged Anuj standing there with his narrowed eyes behind his spectacles. Anuj looked the man into his eyes and in his stern yet serious voice murmured "Not today Buddy boy. Not in seven lives".

The man infuriatingly asked "What is this nonsense. Who are you?".

Anuj in his fierce yet calm tone said the important question here is "Who is she and She is mine and all her dances are mine. Keep you hands away, far-far away. No one and by no one I mean no living thing can touch what is mine." The man retract back.

Anupama looked at furious Anuj with so much love that every pore of her every body cell felt dedicated to him. As soon as they have their eyes-locked Anuj turns into this big soft love teddy. She holds his cold hand Anuj felt a sudden electric current in his body.
He can feel the warmth of love it's like his heart is healing. Anupama places his second hand on her waist. He held her waist so firmly yet so softly that Anupama felt a sudden vibration in her whole body.

He held her close very close. They were silent their eyes spoke we will handle come what may as we belong together. He was still repenting why he gave her handkerchief that day and not kissed her, why he let go of his claims on his own "Anu". He grinned on her simplicity. His one step and She devoted her whole self to him. She smiled mischievously and kissed him very softly on his mole near the lips and make all the "whats" and "ifs" insignificant.

Two of them madly in love, eyes locked, trembling lips, dancing through their bodies on tunes of love faded into the night toward a new dawn. Lights getting dimmer and curtain falls.

His Soul 💕  Her Solace 💝जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें