Chapter 1

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"You are my entertainment, Sona"

The weight of those words hit her like a tidal wave, leaving her feeling betrayed.

The room fell silent as everyone processed what just happened. Even the heavy silence felt mocking, compounding Reena's shame and embarrassment.

Kamal glanced over at her, smirking as if to taunt her. That small gesture brought back memories of when she had proudly announced that Rocky was her lover. How happy and proud she felt then.

But all that changed in an instant with a few simple words. Reena felt her heart breaking, the pain so fresh and raw. The room remained still and quiet, no one daring to speak.

She stood alone with her ruined dreams and crushed heart. The mocking silence and Kamal's smirk reminded her of how foolish she had been to trust her happiness to another.

Reena wanted to leave, to get away from their judging looks and cruel silence. But she remained frozen, tears threatening to fall, as the horrible truth of her situation set in.

"Come on, Sona. Lets's go." Rocky continued while standing up from his chair.

"Aye!! Don't touch her!" Rajendra Desai shouted angrily. Just as he was about to leave his seat, Rocky's guards pointed their guns at him.

"Hey! What are you guys doing? They are all partners. If none of them survive how will I get the business done?" Rocky said in a mockingly questioning tone.

It felt like a clear threat to Reena that if she refuses to go with him, her father would not make it out alive.

With a last glance towards her father she stormed out of the large chamber with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.


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The helicopter blades thundered above as it carried Rocky and Reena over KGF . Reena stared straight ahead, refusing to look at Rocky sitting next to her. Anger and hurt swirled within her.

How could he do this to her?

She had risked to love someone for the first time in her entire life. She gave her heart to him only to have it crushed.

Rocky kept glancing over at her, no doubt wanting to smooth things over. But Reena wasn't having it. The disrespect still stung. She wasn't about to let him off the hook that easily.

So Reena sat in stony silence, eyes fixed outside the window determined to ignore Rocky for the rest of the flight.


Reena saw an unexpected sight at KGF. She had visited KGF a few times as a child with her father. She felt pity for the people trapped there and forced into slave labor. She witnessed the cruelty done to those slaves.

But now, as Rocky arrived, people waved and jumped with joy. Eyes that once had fear now held hope and happiness.

This sight warmed Reena's heart a little. For years KGF had been a place of despair, with people suffering under oppression.

But now, Rocky's presence gave the workers hope and something to smile about. Reena could see the difference he had made in their faces and their renewed spirit. His arrival was a rare bright spot in their difficult lives.

As Reena watched the workers celebrate, she felt a glimmer of that same hope.

But he had broken her trust and that wasn't something she was ready to forgive. Not yet at least. Reena would speak to him when she was ready, on her own terms.


The helicopter landed infront of a huge palace.
The door opened and Rocky was the first to exit. He gave a nod to the guards.

Rocky had some urgent work that required him to leave the palace for a few hours. Before departing, he pulled one of guard aside and gave him instructions.

Rocky said. "I want you to watch the palace doors and make sure no one enters or exits without authorization. Reena is not to leave the palace grounds until I return."

The guard nodded in understanding and replied, "Consider it done, bhai. We'll keep a close eye on things while you're gone."


She already felt like a prisoner.

As soon as Rocky left the guards took up their positions and kept a vigilant watch, ready to carry out Rocky's instructions.

Two other guards escorted Reena into the palace.

The entrance was beautifully decorated with flowers and garlands. As Reena walked through, she couldn't help but feel like a prisoner, despite the festive decorations. The maids waiting inside welcomed her with traditional pooja thalis in their hands.

Two maids gracefully carried trays, each with the most expensive beer bottles meticulously presented on them.

Their mischievous expressions hinted at a joke, as one maid stifled her laughter and quipped, "Which one would you like to kick?" The remark brought back a memory for Reena, reminding her of the time when Rocky had suggested replacing the auspicious rice container with a beer bottle.

Reena felt her anger rise up within her. This man was pushing her limits, yet again. But she took a deep breath and calmly walked past the maids ignoring them, for the sake of the innocent people around her who didn't deserve to see her lose her temper.

This was getting ridiculous, she thought to herself.

For now, she focused on containing her anger and hurt,
keeping her heart guarded.

For now, she focused on containing her anger and hurt,keeping her heart guarded

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Hey guys!


We're finally here! Sorry for keeping you waiting, hope I didn't make you wait too long.

I'm super nervous, but I hope the wait was worth it.

So, what did you think of the chapter? Let me know your thoughts.

Catch you in the next update. Wish me luck!


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