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"M-ma'am the spies that were set in Andrews' house... they're dead."

Reena's body froze, her blood turning icy as if winter had suddenly descended upon her.

Her heart raced, pounding against her chest like a wild stallion.

Her once steady hands now quivered uncontrollably, causing the receiver to slip from her grasp, crashing onto the floor.

Gasping for air, her breath became erratic, as if she were desperately trying to catch it before it escaped her entirely.

A surge of fear coursed through her veins, electrifying every fiber of her being.

The news she had just heard on the call had ignited an indescribable feeling within her, an instinctual alarm that screamed, "Something is terribly wrong."

Fathima Ma's eyes widened in concern as she observed Reena's distressed state. Without hesitation, she gently placed a comforting hand on Reena's shoulder and asked, "What's the matter, Reena? Are you alright?"

Reena's voice trembled as she replied, "No, I have to go to Rocky...," her words trailed off as she abruptly dashed out of the magnificent palace.

She swiftly hopped into her sleek car and accelerated with lightning speed towards Mine 4, where a man had informed her that Rocky would be found.

As she zoomed past mine 3, the sound of gunshots pierced through the air, confirming her gut instincts.

It was clear that an intruder had infiltrated the highly secure KGF.

With adrenaline coursing through her veins, she pushed the pedal to the metal, racing against time to reach mine 4.

Every second counted as she desperately needed to warn Rocky before the invaders could make their way to the remaining mines.

Her car screeched to a halt, the sound echoing through the air as she flung open the door with trembling hands. Her feet, seemingly made of jelly, touched the solid ground beneath her. With a surge of determination, she sprinted towards the workers, desperately seeking answers.

And there he was, amidst a conversation with Kashim. Her heart skipped a beat as she mustered the courage to approach him. But just as she opened her mouth to call out his name, her heart sank. Her eyes widened in disbelief, as if frozen in time.

As Reena stood on the sidelines, her heart raced and her voice caught in her throat. The world around her seemed to fade away as she witnessed the shocking scene unfolding before her very eyes.

Rocky and Kashim stood together, completely unaware of the danger lurking just a few feet away. Adheera, with an unusually long gun in hand, took aim at Rocky from a distance.

Adheera's hand confidently gripped the trigger, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips as he took aim.

In the midst of the chaos, Rocky's ears perked up at the sound of Reena's voice calling out his name. However, before he could even think to turn around and respond...

With a force that could knock the wind out of anyone, he was forcefully thrust to the ground.

Before he could even process the bewildering turn of events,



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I can't thank you enough, Ma, for reminding me of what I can do for him.

As I lay here, my thoughts are consumed by you and the protection you provided for me, just as I did for him.

They often say that in moments like these, life flashes before our eyes.

Yet, amidst the chaos, only one thing flickered in my mind's eye. It wasn't the face of a long-lost loved one or a cherished memory.

No, it was a vibrant shade of red.

Why, out of all the things in the world, did this hue dominate my thoughts?

Maybe because red serves as a poignant reminder of him .

The color of blood, symbolizing both life and death. It represents danger, the very essence of the precarious situation I find myself in.

And yet, it also embodies love.

As I feel the sands of time slipping through my fingers, there is one thing I am absolutely certain of, Rocky - I will never, ever regret this decision, not even in a thousand lifetimes.

But as I slowly fade away, there is something I desperately want you to know.

I want you to understand that my greatest wish is for you to be free from any pain or sadness caused by my departure.

This is my way of expressing just how much I treasured every single moment we shared together.


Rocky's eyes grew wide with a mix of fear and astonishment.

His hands began to tremble uncontrollably as he slowly turned his gaze.

As the gunshots echoed around him, he was completely oblivious to the chaos. His mind was numb, his heart heavy.

Tears threatened to spill from his eyes as he watched the life slowly drain from her beautiful brown eyes.


Please No.

Anyone but you.

I don't care about anyone else.

Let them all venture into the fiery depths of hell for all I care.

Please Don't Die.

Don't leave me behind.



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