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He knew she harbored hatred deep,

Her wounded heart, her secrets keep.

He knew she hated him, the truth laid bare,

A bitter truth, a burden they both must bear.

But in his heart, a flicker of solace finds,

That he had shielded her from fate's unkind binds.

Though he knew the cost, the pain it would bring,

Her safety was his priority, above anything.

- Rocky


Reena lay on the bed, refusing all food, her heart heavy with disappointment. Clutching the amulet Rocky had left with her, she pondered whether she had misjudged his character all along.

Throughout the night, the agony relentlessly tormented her, refusing to grant her even a moment of rest. Sleep eludes her as the pain persisted, a cruel and unyielding companion.


Next morning

Overwhelmed by emotions, Reena summoned the strength to rise from her bed and sought refuge in a cool shower.

The cold water droplets cascaded down her body, momentarily soothing her frayed nerves and offering a brief relief from the pain that engulfed her every thought.

Reena, clad in a silk bathrobe, stepped out of the bathroom feeling annoyed when she heard another knock at her door.

"I told you I don't want any food!" She assumed it was Mallamma once more, persistent in her attempts to offer food, but as Reena opened the door, she was surprised to find a group of children huddled together in animated discussion.

They immediately ceased their chatter and straightened up upon noticing Reena's presence.

Instead of ticking off the kids, she just leaned against the door frame.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"We heard that a new person moved in so we were just curious." one of the kids answered.

Reena raised an eyebrow. "You heard? How? Did Rocky send you here?"

The kids shook their heads in unison. "No, ma'am," another boy replied. "We just overheard some guards talking about a new person moving in."

Reena's guarded demeanor softened as she realized these kids were simply seeking a sense of connection.

Reena's expression softened, and she smiled warmly. "Well, in that case, you are all welcome here. I'm Reena, by the way. Don't call me ma'am. Nice to meet you all."

The children exchanged glances.
"Nice to meet you too!"

"What's your room like, Reena? Is it big?"

Reena chuckled, leading them inside her room. "Well, why don't you all come in and see for yourselves?"

The children, filled with excitement and anticipation, quickly began to explore her room.

"Now introduce yourselves." Reena said sitting on a chair. The kids did as they were told. They raised their hands as they told their names to reena.







"Aarav and I'm the most handsome of them all." The last boy said.

Reena laughed at their cuteness.

Watching Reena chuckle, the kids again started to discuss something. Curious, Reena interrupted and asked "what are you guys talking about?"

Aarav cheekily replied, "You smiled, so now you're our friend, right?"
Reena nodded and confirmed, "Yes, we are friends."

Dhruv then chimed in " Then you would agree to our request right?"

Reena assured them, "Of course."

With innocence in his eyes, Ali kindly requested, "Then please eat your breakfast."

"The guards often made us to go to sleep on an empty stomach when Garuda was alive and it was not at all pleasent." Ishaan said.

Reena's heart instantly melted, feeling both sadness and anger towards the cruelty these children had endured at such a tender age.

Overwhelmed, she responded, "Okay. Did you guys eat?"

Arush replied "No."


"We wanted to have breakfast with our new friend."Daksh beamed.

Reena couldn't help but feel touched by their innocence. How were these kids able to preserve their pure hearts in this wretched and cruel land of KGF?

She smiled and said, "Alright, let me change into my clothes, and we can go together." They all nodded eagerly.


Their laughter like a symphony, so sweet and bright,

Filled the air, unfurling her heart's delight.

In playful steps, they danced around her, carefree,

Making the golden cage feel like home, you see.

they taught her the beauty of companionship dear,

Making the golden cage a bit like home, so clear.


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<⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>

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