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Reena woke up to a shocking sight – Vanaram standing before her.

Startled, she couldn't help but express her annoyance. "You old hag, you will not change, will you?" Reena said, irritated by his old chilli powder prank.

The old yet strong man maintained a poker face and replied "This trick always works."

"I'm going to kill you for this!" Reena ran into the bathroom to wash the chilli powder off her mouth, cursing him.

Vanaram used to take care of Reena during her childhood visits to KGF. Here he was again with his quirky antics.

While in the shower she wondered how Rocky kept him alive. Reena had assumed that Rocky had killed Vanaram already.

Actually, she was relieved to find him alive and well.

After finishing her morning routine, she opened the door of her room to see Vanaram still there.

"YOU-" she was about to give him a piece of her mind, but before she could finish he threw something at her.

It was the can of 'Tab' that Vanaram threw at her which Reena caught, leading her to remember her childhood when she used to drink it.

She scoffed,"I used to drink this as a kid." The old man shrugged "It used to be your favourite. Do you not like it anymore?"

Ignoring his query, Reena proceeded to open the can and take a sip of the fruit-flavored drink.

"He kept you alive. It's quite unexpected," she remarked.

Vanaram, looking out at the vast land of KGF from the immense balcony, replied, "Indeed. Just yesterday, he even gave me a gun and positioned himself in front of the target, instructing me to shoot."

Surprised and Curiosity piqued, Reena asked "You could've killed him. Why didn't you?

"I don't know."

"I swear to god, all beardos are such wierdos."  Reena said rolling her eyes.

"What are your plans now?" she inquired.

"I am going to train the guards," came the reply.

Reena remembered how unskilled the guards were. "Yes, please. Their skills are pathetic," she remarked.

Vanaram looked at her, raising an eyebrow "How do you know?"

Reena just shrugged, continuing to sip her drink.

"Also, why are you here? And since when did you start wearing traditional clothes?" she was asked, triggering a painful reminder of her unfortunate circumstances.

Before she could respond, loud squeals emanated from the corridor.


Both Reena and Vanaram turned around to witness the children running towards Reena, their faces filled with excitement.

However, their enthusiasm quickly faded upon recognizing the person next to her.

They abruptly halted in their tracks. Vanaram observed the children, then glanced at Reena who began to smile at the kids.

"It appears that Reena Desai, the queen of spoiled brats, has managed to make some true friends. I am so surprised that I don't know whether to laugh or cry," he remarked, walking away with an unchanged poker face.

Reena glared at him before swiftly changing her expression to a friendly one as she turned to face the children.

"What is it?" She asked smiling.

"You tell me who of us all looks like Rocky the most" Aditya questioned enthusiastically.

Reena was taken aback.

"Everyone knows i resemble rocky bhai the most." Arush said.

"No i look like rocky!"

"Shut up! It's obviously me who looks like rocky." And just like that a fight erupted between the kids.

Even the mention of his name seemed annoying to Reena. She finally snapped.

"Hey! what’s this?
Always chanting Rocky Rocky Rocky!
If that's all you want to talk about then get lost from here!"

The kids looked at her wide eyed. "Oh! She's a new entrant." One kid said nodding.

"Yup, she is totally ignorant."

Reena was yet again taken aback by their response.

"Come we will show you."


Hey guys!

I know y'all are itching for a showdown between Rocky and Reena, but hold up a sec.

Trust me, there's gonna be some Rocky-Reena moments coming up real soon.

I swear! But I also wanna see Reena connect with other people in KGF, you know?

So hang tight and catch ya in the next update!

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