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In the arms of the Beast, I find my home
A place where I am never alone

His embrace, a shelter from the storm
A sanctuary, a place to reform

His eyes, like the night sky so bright
Reflecting the stars, a celestial sight

His touch, a warmth that never fades
A comfort that never is assuaged

In his arms, I find my peace
A place where my heart can release

All the fears and doubts that I hold
Are soothed by the love that I'm told

In the arms of the Beast, I am free
To be myself, wild and carefree

To dance and sing, to laugh and play
In the arms of the Beast, every day


As the warm rays of sunlight gently caressed her face, Reena slowly opened her eyes, only to find herself enveloped in his strong and comforting embrace.

A contented sigh escaped her lips as she stretched her arms, feeling a slight twinge of soreness in her body, a sweet reminder of the night they had shared.

A mischievsmile danced upon her lips as she reminisced about the events of the previous night.

The way his touch ignited a fire within her, the way his kisses left her breathless, it was a memory she would cherish forever.

She turned around in his embrace, feeling a sense of security and happiness wash over her.

In the depths of slumber, there lay Rocky, a sight to behold. His presence exuded majesty and strength, captivating anyone who laid eyes upon him.

As Reena gazed at him, a wave of tranquility washed over her. How could someone appear so peaceful while lost in dreams?

Feeling an irresistible pull towards him, Reena inched closer, her heart racing with anticipation. A myriad of emotions flooded her mind as she contemplated the nature of their relationship.

So, this man is now her.... boyfriend?

The mere thought caused her cheeks to flush with a rosy hue.

Unable to resist the allure of his slumbering form, Reena tenderly ran her fingers through his hair.

However, duty called, and she reluctantly began to rise from the comfort of the bed. Just as she was about to place her foot on the ground, Rocky's gentle grip seized her wrist, halting her departure.

"Don't, Rocky. I have to go to work."

Rocky let out a resigned sigh as he slowly opened his eyes, his gaze immediately drawn to her captivating figure.

She sat before him, clad in nothing but his shirt, exuding an irresistible allure that made his heart race.

"Damn," he muttered under his breath, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and desire. "That shirt is more dangerous than any weapon I've ever held."

Reena couldn't help but chuckle at his remark, her laughter dancing in the air. "Oh, come on now," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "But I really have to go. I'm running late."

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