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In the depths of Rocky's slumber, a vivid image of Reena danced before his closed eyes.

Her presence was so powerful, so haunting, that even in his dreams, her tears became his nightmares.

In the depths of his despair, he transformed into a ferocious creature, aching for release.

The only solace he found was in the crimson blood rivers that flowed, a temporary escape from his torment. However, he never stained his hands with the blood of the innocent.

Yet, there remained a glimmer of hope for his redemption, a chance to reclaim his humanity.

The key to his salvation lay in her presence, for she possessed the power to tame the savage within him.

Oh, how his heart ached to lay eyes on her once more.

The longing was so intense that it felt like a beast was clawing at his insides, threatening to consume him whole. People whispered about him, afraid of the monster he had become.

Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope. Knowing that she was safe and content in KGF kept him grounded. It was the only thing that kept him from losing his mind completely.

He poured himself into his work, tirelessly building his empire from the ground up. But every moment spent away from her felt like an eternity. He yearned to drop everything and run to her, to hold her close and never let go.

But fear held him back. Fear of causing her pain, of being the monster that everyone saw him as.

So he stayed, working and waiting, hoping that one day he would find the courage to be with her once more.

With every wound inflicted in the gruesome bloodbath, his mind would inevitably drift to her. Her name echoed in his thoughts, a constant chant that yearned to bring him closer to her embrace.

Yet, fear gripped his heart. Fear of the anguish reflected in her tear-filled eyes. Fear of the undeniable truth that he was the cause of her pain.

He had witnessed those tears so many times, each drop etching itself into his soul.

The one person in his entire existence whom he wanted to bring joy to, he found himself unable to fulfill that desire.

"But she is safe. She is safe. She is safe."

He whispered, his heart echoing the words with every beat.

As the days unfolded, a chilling frost settled upon his soul, casting a shadow over his existence.

Each night grew colder, mirroring the icy grip that consumed him. With each passing day, he transformed into a beast.

The world around him faded into insignificance, for all that mattered was the day when their paths would finally intertwine.


There came a sudden, unexpected knock on the door, interrupting Rocky's intense focus on his work. Without looking up, he absentmindedly called out, "Come in."

The door creaked open, revealing a man who entered the room with a deep bow. He spoke with a sense of urgency, "Bhai, Ramika Sen has just been declared as the new prime minister, and she's not someone to be taken lightly. She's more like a dictator, and she poses a serious threat to your business."

Rocky's eyes darted towards the man, a hint of disbelief in his expression. He scoffed, "No one, absolutely no one, is a threat to Rocky."

The man stammered nervously, "O-of course, bhai, but it's just that your presence is desperately needed in KGF right now. You have to be there to handle this matter properly.
The moment she stepped into power, she unleashed a storm of change by swiftly axing the home minister and the entire cabinet! The CBI is already working against us, trying to bring us down. With Ramika Sen and the CBI joining forces, they will stop at nothing to destroy KGF."

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