Chapter 7

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Raven's pov.

       Is been 3 days since the indecent and the gash on my side was all healed. All that was left if my wound was a scar but it doesn't look that bad. Blaze spend most of his time taking care of me not leaving my side. He's the best friend anyone could ever have and i wouldnt know what to do without him.


    Now me and Blaze are in the kitchen trying to make some cookies since we are in are cookie mood. "Rav how do u break the egg..." Blaze asked just as he drops 4 eggs he had in his hands, "never mind!" He said laughed.

     Blaze and i started to add flower i grabbed some and throw it at his face laughing. "You evil child!! Feeeeeel my rath!!!" Blaze battle yelled taking the whole bag of flower dumping it on me. I looked like one of those funny character covered in  flower.

   Just then Kally walked in the kitchen and looked at us in horror. "What did you two idiots do in here?!" She said looking at us.

   "Making cookies Barbie!" I said glaring at her. "Now get out!" Blaze yelled his battle yell again then ty throw an egg hitting Kally in the face. She shrieked running out of the kitchen leaving blaze and i there laughing are fabulous booty off. "RAV THE COOKIES ARE ON FIRE!!!!"Blaze shrieked in horror as our cookies burned.

   I got the fire extinguisher quickly from the hall and back to the kitchen putting out the fire. "Never again are we gonna try making cookies!" I said looking at the mess we made. We cleaned up and walked out of the kitchen still covered in flower when i bumped into Darick.

   "Watch it!" I growled are my eyes glowed red. Which was creepy since im covered with flower. "Why are you to a mess?" Darick asked not even caring that im growling at him. "We both almost set the back house on fire while trying to make cookies." Blaze answered him before i could i laughed, "but the cookies were lost!" I faked cryed while still laughing.

    Even Darick stared at us in horror which was funny because he was then next ass alpha. "Well see yah Mr. Player but Blaze and i have a date for going to the store to get our own cookies." With that being said i grabbed Blaze's hand and pulled him to my room for us to get cleaned up.

   After we were i opened my window and hopped into a branch from the tree that was next to my window and jumped down aling with Blaze. "One day were gonna fall and die." He said looking up at the tall tree. I rolled my eye's he was always a scaredie cat when we went down that way.


    We raced to the store to buy some Oreos then headed back to the pack house through the woods this time. The sun was setting and it was gettin dark but we didn't mind since we love the dark.

   Then Blaze stopped walking for a second, "Blaze are..." i tryed asking him what was wrong when i heared a low whiper not to far away. I followed the whimpers with Blaze right behind me.


   When we got to a clearing we never seen before i saw a mother fox hurt looked like she was shot and her three pups next to her. I tryed getting closer but the mother fox let out a low growl. "Shhh im not gonna hurt you." I said softly getting closer to her. She let me pick her up and i made Blaze carry her pups. Then we made our way home, "don't worry you'll be better soon when we get home." I whispered to the mother fox.

   Sneaking the foxs in we went to my room and locked the door. I softly put the mother fox onto the desk and took the pups of Blazes arms and put them on my bed.


      Quickly getting out the first aid kit i had under my bed i got the pullet out and cleaned the wound then bandaged her up. Getting an extra blanket i folded it and put it on the floor next to the bed and layed her on it to rest and put her pups next to her.

  With that being done blaze and i when to sleep on my bed as the foxes slept near is through the night.


Thank you for reading! Hoped you liked this chapter. The next one will be real soon c yah

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