Chapter 9

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Daricks pov.

"Holy shit did you see what our mate just did to that sluts face" My wolf Kevin said equally shocked as me."

Dam am i such an idiot for rejecting Raven. After each day passed i felt empty without her and making out with Kally disgusts me. "Well its your fucken fault my mate hates us you worthless human!" Kevin said maddly as he layed in the back of my mind. And he's right it is my fault im just that stupid i have to get her back somehow i thought making my way to my office to finish more alpha work since my dad was at a meeting.

Later that afternoon

*Sighs* "finally done" i said getting up and stretching. Now all i have to do is....(Alpha were found rogues near the border line) my Beta jack informed me (Im on my way) mindlinking back. Quickly going out the door i shifted into my wolf and ran throught the woods where i saw my men surrounding two rogues. Shifting back one of my men handed me a shirt. Putting it on i made my way to the rogues. I was shocked they were two little kids they looked around the age of 3 and 5 years old.

"Why are you on my territory young ones how did you get here?" i asked they just backed up in fear. "Come with me to my pack house well talk there alright?" asking them softly. All they did was nod their heads slowly and followed me to the pack house. We made our way to my office where i got them to sit down. (Mary bring me food for these pups they look hungry.) i mind linked her as i took a seat. (yes young Alpha) she said. looking over to the pups they still looked scared, "what are your names?" i asked waiting for them to answer.

"I-im Jack jones," said the 5 years old, "this is my young sister Jane jones.. our territory was attacked everyone is dead.." jack said with tears in his eyes. it was so sad they lost there whole pack, friends and family. "shhh dont cry you are welcomed to going our pack if you please." i said with a smile. jack and jane smile a bit whipping there tears but still sad for there lose. Mary came into the room with two trays of food and set them in front of Jack and Jane. They both look thrilled and quickly digged in after they were done Mary took the trays and left.

. "How about I show you two around?" I asked making my way to the door. They both god up and followed me outside I was going to show them what's outside in the backyard. Walking about 10 inches outside we see a Raven flying right in front of us and smashing into a tree.

0.0 !?#&+ I watched as she gets up and dust herself off. "NO FAIR BLAZE WE MADE A DEAL DO WIND ATTACKS!" Raven yelled at Blaze then finally seeing us. She froze in place looking right at us I looked down and saw that both Jack and Jane have the same expression. Now I'm confused and looked back at Raven she had tears in her eyes. "Buttercups!!!!!" She cried running over and tackled them into a bear hug Jane and Jack were crying holding her for dear life. "Big sister!" They cried still hugging Raven. O.O wait.. What I didn't know Raven had siblings at all. "The're your siblings Raven How???" I asked confused.

"When they were little they were really sick so we had family friends take them in because they only knew what to do. I haven't heard from them since. What happened guys?" She ask them looking down at them. "Our pack was attacked and everyone was killed." Jack said looking upset. "Aw well you two will be staying with my in my room it's huge with extra beds" Raven said getting up smiling then looked at Jane who had a scratch on her cheek. She touched it with a glowing finger and the scratch disappeared Jane smiled. I then saw a snow ball hit Raven on the back of her head making her turn around just to get hit in the face with another snow ball. "Munchkin are we gonna continue this fight or not or are you scared?" Jane and Jack laughed at Raven's face expression it was pretty funny I couldn't help laugh a bit.

"Why you little!" Raven yelled making a fire ball in her hand and whipping it at his face.
- Kevin winced since that looked painful- "dam our mate is violent" he said as Blaze ran around yelling "ahhhhhh my beautiful face! it burns!"

Raven is laughing while doing some really neat fire tricks. I think she forgot I'm here because she was acting her self but I'm not complaining I think I actually like seeing her that way. "Stop whining Blaze be a man not a sissy pancake!" Raven said finally using her powers and put him out. He tripped as she did that and fell with a loud ~thump~ acting like a dieing fish.

Blaze glared at her and flipper Raven off with his bad finger earning a glare of her own since Jake and Jane were silently laughing at all this. I shoke my head that them chuckling which got them to finally notice I was here again. Out of no where Penny I think that's her name was infront of me with her pups growling at me with red glowing eyes. I guess she didn't really like me neither did her pups. "Pen it's ok leave the player he won't her anyone." Raven said walking over patting her on the head and petting the fox pups. "If you say so Raven, but I'm keeping an eye one you Mr! Come children!" Penny said making her way over to a shady tree and cuddled with her pup giving me one last look before going to sleep.
~"well then looks like she doesn't like us on bit. Thanks you useless human." Kevin mutter in the back of my head annoyed.~ I rolled my eyes and looked over at Raven smiling over at her foxs.

"BAAAAAAAAAAAE!!!!" Blaze yelled tackling Raven onto a bush.

I growled lowly after what he called MY mate she wasn't his she was mine. "You fat pig whaat you want!" She said pushing him off and dusting off the dirt from her cloths. "Let's make cookies!!!!" Blaze cheered hopping up to his feet picking up Jane and Jack and running to the kitchen. "BTCH GIVE ME BACK MY CHILDREN!" She yelled running after them. ~"I don't like how he talks to our mate!"~ Kevin growled in my head I agreed with him and made my way to the kitchen where my mate and the other three ran into.

In the kitchen

Just as I walked in two eggs hit the wall next to me making a mess. O___O in front of me was a very messy Blaze who is trying to eat the cookie dough, Jack who is eating the extra chocolate chips, Jane has flour all over her hair, and my mate wacking Blaze with a wooden spoon. "You cunt I swear if you don't stop touching my dough I'll hit you with the frying pan!" Raven warned him I was amused how he pissed her off, "pfff yea right you love me to much." He said reaching to grab some more.
"I warned you!!" Raven's eyes started glowing red and raised her hand out at blaze then out of no where 7 frying pans were above him then they started wacking him over and over. "AHHHHH YOU EVIL MIGET!!" he yelled running around with the pans still wacking him. I brusted out laughing this was just to great that's what he gets! I sat at the side and watched them all finish making cookies.

"Oh my god we didn't set the kitchen on fire this time" raven and blaze said at the same time. Oh that's right last time I had to get someone to clean up in their. All four were all covered in cookie and flour from there little fight I only walked in here 15mins after them and they already managed to make a mess within that time. As I spaced out Kally walk into the kitchen and straight up slapped Raven in the face. Ravens was still facing the side and she slowly turned her look over to Kally. "Turn my face back to normal you freak!" She shrieked at Raven then grabbed first full of her hair and slamming her head repeatedly on the counter. I growled along with Blaze and I ripped her away from raven grabbing her by the neck up against a wall. I growled loudly my eyes were pitch black as my wolf came out I wanted to snap her neck like a pencil at that very moment. Kally shook in fear gasping for air her eyes showed fear.

"Let her go.."

My eyes were still pitch black but I looked over to the person who said that. Feeling my eyes turing back to normal and stared at Raven with confusion but worried since she was holding a bloody rage to her head. I did what she said still confused her eyes were becoming extremely bright red and her hair started to look like they were on fire I think they are.

She let out a demonic chuckled as she slowly walked over to Kally and said..

"Let's play!"


I hope you liked this chapter I'll be sure to update as soon as I can thanks for reading (*^o^*)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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