Chapter Eleven

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I'm in trouble.

I like her.

Even when she showed up to my office looking feverish and soaked mercilessly like a rat, she found a way to move me, consume me.

I watched her quietly as she yammered on about how pineapple on pizza was criminal and, not long after, how people should give pineapple a chance. All the while, taking in every one of her features, every curve, every smile, and truth be told, I haven't been able to get Jennie Kim out of my head.

Now, I'm forced to spend three days at this conference. The only saving grace will be a busy schedule and separate bedrooms.The flight is far too long for my liking.

Squirrel-sized seats making it impossible not to touch her and set off electric currents across my skin. Every breath, every movement, every flicker of eyelids, and I'm aware of it. I practically leap out of my seat when we land, only to be subjected to a cab ride together to our hotel. I immediately call shotgun and slip on a pair of oversized sunglasses. Sure, the view isn't as good, but it's less stressful.

We drive in silence, the only sound coming from the purr of the engine and gusty wind blowing the car around. It takes twenty minutes of blinking vacantly at blue skies and palm trees until we reach Laguna Marco hotel, rising three stories high and shining bright white in the gorgeous sunshine.

Our driver drops us at the front, and we climb out onto the hot asphalt, where the valet collects our bags. Jennie lifts her face toward the sun, her long hair teased by the balmy sea breeze. "Picture perfect," she hums, and it is – straight out of a storybook.

We're right on the shores of the glittering Atlantic, surrounded by emerald green lawns and lush landscape. Terracotta pots are clustered around a stone fountain by the entry.

We walk through the open-air lobby to the front desk. It's packed with conference attendees, and I smile at some familiar faces. We're greeted by a young but beautiful girl named Rosa, who has thick black hair and chocolate-drop eyes.

"Miss Manoban. You're in luck," she beams. "We have you ladies overlooking the beach in our honeymoon suite. Best room in the hotel! It's on the top floor -"

I think I mishear. "Sorry, what?"

"Oh -" Jennie flaps her hands around.

"You're booked into the honeymoon suite," confirms Rosa with a nod.


I blink rapidly as her words sink in. This can't possibly help my anxiety. "How many beds?" I ask, gritting my teeth.

"One," Rosa replies, straightening a stack of papers. "It's a king plus."

Like the plus means anything to me right now.

"Oh, no. That won't work." Suddenly, the Florida humidity isn't the only thing that's making me sweat. "I'm going to fire Jisoo."

Jennie rolls her eyes. "You're not going to fire her."

I tug at my collar, which feels like it's tightening. "Can you please see if we can switch rooms?"

"I'm sorry," Rosa shakes her head. "There's nothing else. There's a conference this weekend, so we are fully booked."

"Yes, we are attending it. For work! We're not on our honeymoon!" I say, slightly exasperated.

"I'm sorry. The room was specifically requested."

I grip my handbag. "We'll try elsewhere."

"You won't find anything." Rosa taps the keyboard. "Wait. I can move you into separate rooms tomorrow. And I can arrange... "

She coughs. "A rollaway bed for tonight."

I pause and rub my temple. Better than nothing, I guess.

"Yes. Okay," I huff. "Thank you."

Once Rosa finalizes our check-in, we shuffle past white décor and potted palms to the elevator, and I jab the button at least three times, muttering under my breath.The elevator ride seems to take years. Neither of us speaks.

Obviously, the honeymoon suite is a gorgeous space. There's a separate living area that has a couch, love seat, and lowered glass coffee table with a bucket of Veuve Cliquot on ice and two champagne flutes. As we walk through, I spot a dining nook off to the side and a rolltop bath by the window that I definitely won't be using.

Jennie seems quite enraptured by the suite, tripping over at least twice.

I don't misstep, but I do stop by the large glass bi-fold doors that lead out to an incredible balcony overlooking clear blue water. Waves so close that I could probably dive straight into them. I briefly entertain sleeping out here, and when I turn, Jennie is watching me. With far less enthusiasm, I say, "Okay. Let's see where we're sleeping, then."

One foot in front of another, the walk down the hall feels like a death march, but even I'm blown away by the size of the bed.

"I've never seen something so big," gasps Jennie.

"Yeah. Wow," is all I can add.

The biggest bed ever is sitting in the center, all crisp white linen and cloud-like pillows. I try to pretend I don't see the entire rose bush worth of petals strewn across the top.

I'll let Jennie deal with that.

"Right." I clap my hands together. "Well, I have to give that introductory presentation in twenty minutes, so I better go freshen up and then head downstairs to prepare."

"Okay. Do you need my help with anything?"

Ah, stop being so nice.

"No. All good," I reply, but I'm suddenly distracted by a walk-in shower behind a frosted glass partition which looks very honeymoon-ish.

Brilliant. No privacy at all.

"I'll see you later, I guess," I say faux casually.

Jennie is still staring strangely at the bed.

Me, on the other hand? I'm charging into the bathroom and locking the door. God, I'm totally losing my cool. I need to get out of here as soon as possible.I get ready in record time and am grateful that Jennie is nowhere to be seen when I reappear.

Unfortunately, the rose petals are still there.



Double update since it's Blackpink's 7th year today 🤭

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