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A few months later

"So, no doubts about moving in together?" I reach across the console and take her hand.

"None. I should've moved out of that condo a long time ago." Natalie smiles, tapping her thumb on the steering wheel.

Obviously, this happened pretty quickly, but when you know, you know. Plus, I'm sick of always playing it safe. This time, I'm all in.

As fate would have it, Rosie also decided to shack up with Suzy not long after and followed us to a quaint neighborhood in La Jolla. We still see far too much of each other, but that will never change. Our rental home sits on a larger-than-average block, perfect for our ever-expanding pet family. Louis still rules the roost, but he's been joined by Love, a ten-month-old black Dobermann, and a yellow Scottish fold named Lemon. Rosie also drops by with Happy, the hamster, for playdates.

All the females love to chase Louis around the house, much to his hissing disapproval. He has already lost five pounds from the extra activity, and although they aren't friends yet, we have high hopes that they will be soon.

Right now, Lisa and I are driving to Scottsdale so she can finally meet my parents.

She squeezes my leg. "Thank God there's nothing to tie me to my father anymore. I'm a changed woman."

"You're certainly more relaxed," I reply, fiddling with the car stereo until I find a high-pitched pop song. Lisa doesn't even flinch these days. Like I said, more relaxed. Grinning, I settle back into my seat.

While Lisa's comprising photos of her father never made it to the press, it wasn't long until Ronald was papped in a hot tub with four topless women. Needless to say, the board pulled the plug on his planned IPO, and with all the employees jumping ship, The M Media is now running on skeleton staff.

Felicity also served her hubby with divorce papers and intends to go after every last dime. It's not looking rosy for Ronald, but things are certainly looking up for us. Work is great and such a cohesive space now that the axis of evil is no longer there.

Last I heard, Hailey was working at a second-tier marketing company. Sure, having our own business means there's an endless amount to do, but it's fun too.

Lisa throws me a love-soaked look. "You know, I'm also pretty happy with the woman I've moved in with."

"I bet she's amazing."


"Also amazing in bed, knows exactly how to -"

Lisa lets out a groan and wriggles around in her seat. "Babe. This is a long drive. Four hours to Scottsdale if you don't remember?" she adds crossly. I giggle and reach across to stroke her thigh.

She flings it off like it's a grenade. "Don't make me pull over to one of those gross rest stops."

"Okay, okay," I say but still smile.

How can I not?

Our couple-y vibes have continued even though we work together. Clearly, we're still in the honeymoon phase, but I hope we can stay here forever.

An hour later, Lisa almost veers off the road into a ditch when I tell her Martha and dad are strict Catholics and we'll be in separate beds. She immediately takes an exit to the next rest stop, and half an hour later, we are a sweaty mess. Apparently, Lisa is full of good ideas.

Her smile is slow, mischievous, and only hers. "Wow."

"See." I peel the seatbelt off my back. "Rest stops aren't that bad."

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