Chapter Twenty-Six

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The last couple of weeks have been a blur, but Friday morning, I have total clarity.

I walk into the office knowing exactly what I need to do, and funnily enough, I've never felt more at ease. I've got board members calling me non-stop. Twenty-two messages. Most are retired executives who know a company is only as good as its leadership, and they're probably even more concerned about whom my father will put in my place. Obviously, there are a dozen less pleasant messages from my father himself.

But it only strengthens my resolve to get the hell out of here. I am selling my share of the business, my resignation effective immediately. Sure, I forgo some generous benefits, but I can't be here a day longer. Not for my sanity and not if I want the life I've always imagined.

Today is going to be the day I bury what remains of my relationship with the man that despises me only a little less than I despise him.

"Morning, Nancy," I practically whistle while I pick up reminders and callbacks.

Nancy's head snaps up, reading glasses askew. "Morning, Lisa. Here's your daily schedule and some news bulletins. You have a noon lunch with Jorga regarding renewing his contract, a two o'clock with Shelley Black, and a briefing with Legal at four."

"No, not today. Please cancel all meetings and clear my schedule." I tap her shoulder, feeling lighter than I have in years.

"Oh, okay." Nancy pauses and lowers her voice. "Should I arrange a security detail? Or perhaps a pre-emptive restraining order against your father?" she asks nervously, slipping one hand straight into the candy jar.

Jisoo and Nancy were the only ones that were given a heads-up about my resignation because I didn't want to risk sabotaging the company I was preparing to raid. But now, with everything in place, I'm ready for the dominos to start falling.

"No. It'll all be fine," I reply calmly. "And I'd like to chat with you after my father leaves. Say Bert's café across the road?"

"Okay... " Nancy says slowly and looks down at her diary. "But he doesn't have a meeting penciled in today."

"He'll be here shortly," I say simply. "Oh, have you seen Jennie this morning? I wanted to have a chat with her."

Nancy looks at her screen. "She's offsite at the Bauer Media networking event. Not sure if she's coming back into the office."

"What? Oh, okay. Thanks." I smile, but my stomach turns over because I wanted to speak to her privately about my news. I guess our conversation will have to wait. Our last interaction in the elevator certainly gave me a bit of pep in my step, and I'm determined to show her how I feel and make things right. "I'll be in my office if you need me, Nancy."

Five minutes later, I hear a commotion and look up from my desk. Just as I expected, my lousy excuse for a father is storming across the floor with Felicity trotting on her heels to keep up, breasts bouncing every which way.

I brace myself for the onslaught as the door swings open, shuddering on its hinges, and my father explodes into the room.

"Good morning," I beam.

His laugh is mirthless. "I don't think so!" he spits.

"Before you start motoring on. Here." I stand and shove a letter in his hand with my demands.

A short while later, he's practically combusting. "You stupid fool... You... Have you lost your goddamn mind?"

"No," I reply with measured patience. "Don't think so. Our business model is passe. Time to go in a new direction."

"By skinning the company of all its resources?" he barks, face swelling with anger.

"Only the good ones," I wink.

"Lalisa. You're playing with fire. I will destroy you," he warns. "I know the best lawyers in the country, and trust me, I know how to play dirty."

"Mmm, you certainly do, but not this time," I say, knowing that this whale-sized sex scandal I've unearthed has just nailed his metaphorical coffin. My clown of a father, a PR disaster of his own. "Plus, if you don't agree, I'm going straight to the press. Seems Felicity is pretty open after two bottles of wine and a greasy slab of pizza. Isn't that right?" I glare at her, and she smiles with her ill-applied lipstick.

Oh my God, she thinks it's a compliment.

I pick up a file and snap it open. "I have the name of all your floozies plus... " I chirp. "Compromising photos. Surprisingly vigorous for a seventysomething-year-old man. Some of these moves are outrageous. The media would have a field day. But seriously, dick pics? A little low-brow and crude. Even for you." I lean forward in a whisper, "You know, this might just sink your beloved IPO."

"They came onto me!" he stammers.

"The pictures definitely look that way," I say sarcastically. "What woman could resist Ronald Manoban in all his glory?" I probably do need that restraining order Nancy offered me because if looks could kill, I'd be dead on the spot. "Oh, and I also stumbled across undeclared millions in an offshore account. Wonder what the IRS will say about that?"

My father points at me with a stubby finger. "You... you... goddamn." He paces back and forth in the small room and then hurls a chair between us which has Felicity shrieking.

For a second, I marvel at the irony. My father cheating on my mom. His meandering all but costing him his share of the business. I suspect Felicity will also leave him and take him to the cleaners. Looks like we've come full circle.

I hide my hands which are shaking by now. My face still impassive as stone.

"I know it's a bit late, but consider this my anniversary present to you." I pat his shoulder and wink at my stepmom, making my way to the door. "Thanks, Felicity. You have no idea how much this means. After eight years, I can finally repay the favor."

My father's face almost snaps in half, and he tries to put an arm on my shoulder. "Wait, right there, young lady!"

I shake him off almost violently. "Do not touch me."

He shoots me a dirty look. "I want to have the honor of throwing you out of here personally. No way will I let you remove any of our property."

I force myself to jerk my chin up. "I have legs. I don't need you. And you can keep all of it."

For now.

Once his lawyer reads the letter of demand, they'll see that I'm bringing most of the resources with me, including the staff.

I turn and, finally, I'm able to walk out on my life at The M Media without looking back, without any regrets.


Few more chapters left. 😅

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