Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Before I know it, I'm sitting on a couch in an empty room.

If this is a party, it's the worst one I've ever been to. No decorations, no atmosphere, and, unbelievably, no people.

Even worse than my birthday party in the seventh grade, when Martha chucked everyone out because Liam Black and Simon Martin were smoking pot in our treehouse. I was so embarrassed that I told Martha I was quitting high school immediately to join the Roland Brothers circus -Suddenly, the door slams open, making everything in the room jump.

Including me.

And my heart nearly stops. After not seeing her for close to a week, her presence hits me like a wrecking ball.

"Hey... " Lisa says breathlessly.

I'm so rattled I can barely reply and fold my arms, protecting myself. "Hi... "

We are a safe distance apart, but I can still feel electricity bouncing off the walls.

Her hair is plastered all over her face, and dark circles bloom under her bloodshot eyes, and I wonder if she has been losing sleep for the same reason as me. She is also barefoot but strangely looks like she jumped into a swimming pool which makes no sense at all.

Somehow, she is still the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen, and that annoying cord of longing pulls from my throat to my stomach even though I'm mad at her.

We just stare at one another.

Lisa inhales deeply, slowly. "You look beautiful," she says.


She pushes her hair out of her face and plucks her tight white shirt from her chest. Definitely not looking.

"You're shivering," I quietly counter.

"I can't feel my toes or fingers, and I can't hear in my left ear, but I'm okay." My eyebrows lift. Her eyes, doe and brooding, bore into mine. "My Uber ran out of gas, so I had to run a few blocks. Then my left heel snared in a grill, and a fire hydrant exploded on Huntley Street, pummeling me with water. It's been a rough trip across town."

I cross my arms defiantly because no way will I fall for that sob story, but I kind of want to dash home to get her a towel and a change of dry clothes. I'm also curious about the fire hydrant. That's quite impressive. How on earth did she manage -

No, I mustn't digress. Shaking my head, I ask, "What's this all about? It felt like I was a prop in a military operation."

"Jamie thought it necessary."

"Jamie," I parrot.

Of course. Who else?

"Sorry, I was desperate," Lisa winces and closes the distance between us. "I know you're probably mad at me."

"Mmm. Let me see. You ignore me, send me to a ranch with a loon, and quit without a word. Oh, and I get my ass handed to me on a platter by your stepmom. Why would I be mad?" I bare my teeth in a rictus smile. "Best month ever."

Lisa frowns. "I'm so sorry. It appears you were collateral damage following my resignation. I had no idea, and I feel awful about it... Can we please just talk?" she asks like it's obvious, but is she kidding?

"What, because now you're ready? You know you don't just get to end things like that."


Silence stretches between us, the sound of traffic and the outside world barely registering.

"Jen, I didn't end things," she says softly. "And last time we chatted, you didn't really want to have a conversation. In fact, you said you hated me."

I go to open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

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