Chapter Nineteen

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When we emerge from the elevator with our luggage, Jisoo launches out of her seat like her ass is on fire. "Hello, you two," she calls out cheerily, feigning innocence. "How was your trip away? Room up to your standards?"

"Your meddling was well and truly noted, Chu." Lisa rolls her eyes, briefly pausing to scoop up messages from her desk. "Please collect your severance package on the way out."

"You're so funny," Jisoo chuckles and gestures to the messages. "An urgent inquiry from a potential investor on top of that pile, IT problems on the bottom... Hang on, what on earth is on your shirt -"

"Don't." Lisa holds up her hand, marching through the front door. "I'm getting changed right now!"

I try not to smile, but a flaming blush must give it away because Jisoo starts grinning ear to ear when she glances at me. I even get a wink when Lisa is out of sight.

When I enter the office, I steel myself to be calm and repeat my mantra.

Don't tell anyone. Do not tell a soul.
Don't tell anyone. Do not tell a soul.

"Hi, Jennie!"

I jump into the air. "Hi, Theo!"

God, not discreet at all with my gymnast leap.

Ugh. Great start. I slide my luggage into the space between my workstation and the wall and plop down in my seat. Right, I just need to bury myself under a mountain of designs today so I don't put my proverbial foot in it. I straighten a pile of papers into alignment and switch on my computer.

"How was your trip?" Theo perches himself on the edge of my desk and straightens his thin, black tie.

Why? Why must he do that today?

"Great, thanks," I answer, poking around in my pot of pens. "Conference was flat out. Meetings, meetings, meetings. No private time to do... anyon-..anything! Very productive."

Oh, just shut up.

"Okay," he says, bemused, and Kayley floats by.

"Hey, Jen! Great to have you back. The human headshots have been superimposed on those cattle for the Bergman campaign. Bit weird, but you know, whatever the client wants, right?" She shrugs, smoothing her bangs to her side, and then whispers, "What's up Lisa's ass today? Looks like she might murder someone... Hopefully, Hailey, but you know."

"No sleep... She's completely zonked. Because she was so flat out in Florida. Massive trip. No other reason." I cough to cover my squeak.

Honestly, I am my own worst enemy.

Kayley looks at Theo, Theo looks at me, and I can't look anywhere but the carpet.

Argh. Go away.

To diffuse suspicion, I have no choice but to make small talk with my team. I ask Theo about his night out with a Peruvian magician while Kayley tells us all about her daughter Ava's baptism, where the pastor tripped and almost drowned Ava in the baptismal font.

Somewhere during this conversation, I also vaguely accept an invitation to drinks later this week, which I now need to come up with an excuse to get out of. Brilliant. Anyway, I'm just grateful I didn't let the cat out of the bag and relax when Theo and Kayley finally disperse. My thoughts soon drift to Rosie, who has been unusually quiet. I wonder how her date with Suzy went. Snatching my phone from my bag, I text her.

ROSIE: Still with her. Won't let me leave.

ME: You haven't been home in three days?

I'm not sure if this is good or bad? Who is this Suzy character? A few dots appear, then disappear. Alarm bells ring.

ME: Roseanne!! Do you need help? Is this a hostage situation?

ROSIE: Don't think so, but she is tying me to her bed :)

I snort a laugh. Okay, thank God for the smiley face.

Sighing, I place my phone on my desk. Well, I need to get out of this fug somehow. Finding yet another reason to procrastinate, I wander to the kitchen to get a coffee, only to find Nancy crouched over, blitzing a cheesy enchilada in the microwave.

"Hey, Nancy."

Nancy lifts her head. "Hi, Jennie. How was your trip -"

No, not again. I start jabbing the buttons of the very loud coffee machine. "Sorry. What?" I pretend to not hear her over the combined noise of the appliances. Suddenly, someone bumps my hip, and I don't turn around.

I don't need to, to feel her presence.

Closing my eyes, my heart rate goes from resting to racing. As Lisa shuffles past in the cramped space, I unwittingly breathe in her citrusy perfume and am smacked with a naked memory of her. My treacherous face starts getting hot again.

"Sorry," Lisa stammers, and I almost knock her cup off the counter when I try to spin my way out of there.

An hour later, we cross paths in the copy room.

"When did this office become so small? I feel like you're stalking me," I snap, snatching my campaign printouts.

"I feel like I'm in a two-by-two cell. You're everywhere." Lisa stares straight at me, and it hits me between the thighs. She stalks off and seems to forget all about her quarterly cash flow report.

I'm such a swirling mess of feelings. There's only one thing left to do, really. I rush back to my desk and book that boring Advanced Microsoft Excel course I've been putting off for over two years. 

Looks like I'll be out of the office for the rest of the afternoon and this time, I'm actually happy about it.


As promised, I will make up for lost updates 😅

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