Chapter Twenty-Five

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Everything has changed.

Everything is different.

I'm not joking. Jennie has ruined me.

My mind a thick, white fog. I've barely slept this week. Even fantasizing about being in her apartment with the broken bed slash futon and crap all over the floor. Because despite being a world away from what I'm used to, I felt an aching sense of belonging. There I was away from pretension, away from my father's web, and away from the ghosts of my past that have always defined my life. First time in a long time, I remembered what it's like to be human. Someone who can feel, laugh and just be.

Jennie has given me a glimpse of what is on the other side of my prison walls, and now it's all I want. I've fallen for her, despite not wanting or agreeing to be. She clawed her way into my heart. There, taking more and more space, until nothing was left but her.

"This is all your fault, Louis. Things started to go haywire when you two started hanging out," I end up venting to my cat, but I know my anger is sorely misplaced.

Either way, I'm completely useless without her.

Sleep. Work. Stare.

Not even an endless supply of coffee will snap me out of my reverie. So, I submerge myself in digital strategies, IT-recommended upgrades, and people I don't give a shit about, but that doesn't help either because I'm back to thinking about the woman who wanted to stab me between the eyes in the bar.

Obviously, Jennie jumped to conclusions. Her last-minute trip to Montana had nothing to do with the fact I was chatting with that woman. I was actually waiting for my lawyer, who was running late.

Now, I can't get that interaction out of my mind. Go fucking figure. She haunts me through the day and comes for me at night. Feelings start rioting through me because, without her, my life has reverted back to monochrome.

I'm still processing all this when Jisoo runs her customary scan over me. We're waiting in the seated area of Dr. Yip's surgery for her annual check-up.

"What's wrong, Lis?"

"Nothing," I grumble, and she levels me with a look. "Well, maybe the raw fish taco I had for lunch," I offer lamely.

"No." Jisoo waves her hand over my face. "Whatever that is, it's not indigestion."Suddenly, she grips the armrests of her chair like a toddler. Her knuckles start to turn white. "I won't go in."

"Oh, for God's sake. Here we go again with the threats! What are you, a kid or a stubborn grannie? You're unbelievable." Her cat-like eyes burn into my temples. "Ugh, I'm sure you can work it out," I huff, flicking off imaginary lint from my sateen pants.

Jisoo visibly relaxes. "Jennie... " She starts grinning like a cat that swallowed a canary. "Well, well, well. That's why you're moodier than ever. She's gotten to you."


Her eyes, bigger than saucers, glow at me. "Immensely!"

"Well. Look at me now. I haven't slept in days. I've been joining Louis in his witching hour. Not quite flinging myself against the walls yet, but I tell you, I'm not far off!"

Jisoo rolls her eyes. "Oh, such a drama llama. Are you really complaining?"

"Of course!" I nod, then scrunch up my face a second later. "I don't know... No," I sigh. "I sent her to Montana. My father was going to hit on her at the ball, and I just couldn't bear... "

"Oh, I see. Ronald had his dirty little pincers out again."

"Yes, but my delivery to Jennie was off. I think because I'm stressed but also because I miss her. You know, I've been so busy with work and trying to get things moving with my new business. And the whole thing with Jennie has been affecting my judgment so badly. I've been forgetting things and making mistakes. Everything was going too fast. So, I thought that some space between us might help, but now I'm even more of a mess! All I can think about is her. If I'm honest, it's a total clusterfu-" I pause, and a lady in a print dress with pineapples whips her head to me.

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