𝙎4: 𝙈𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙄

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The bell rang, signalling that someone had just exited the hair salon. Out came a young woman with dark green and golden eyes, wearing a dark red blouse, black trousers and mary jane heels. Her hair no longer coal black but platinum white.

She put on her dark sunglasses and took out a cigarette and a lighter. She lit the cigarette and started walking down the busy street. Phone vibration caught her attention and she flipped it open. ''Yes? I'm already on my way there. Don't take all the fun to yourself, Kolya.'' Her thick russian accent rang to the other person. She closed her phone and took a buff of her cigarette. ''Fuck, I have to do something with the accent.''

Atsushi was stuck in the underground tunnels after the Decay of Angels staged the Armed Detective Agency guilty of being terrorists. Poor boy had to just face one of its members, a clown, who stuck his leg under the ground with his weird cloak ability. He tried to pull it out with all his strength but it just wouldn't move. ''Just a bit more.'' Finally he gave up. ''I wonder what happened to the others.''

Suddenly he heard something. Someone walked towards him from behind. Maybe it was help? Someone came to save him. The noise got closer. They were heels. Probably a woman? ''Here you are. I was looking for you, Atsushi Nakajima. Are you stuck?'' He heard a voice with an interesting accent. The woman came before him, he looked up. She took off her dark glasses. She looked so beautiful yet kinda creepy at the same time.

Her skin was pale like a vampire, eyes sharp like a siren and her whole being divine. Maybe it was just because of the darkness and little light around them but there was like a black aura surrounding her, moving along with her every movement. Seeing her white hair and the way she just came out of nowhere he knew he had to stay cautious. She reminded him of the clown.

''W-who are you?'' She smiled at him. ''My name is Jane Austen. I am a friend of Dazai. He called me before he was arrested by the Hunting Dogs to come and help you. Cool cat paw but why in the world are you stuck in the ground?'' Before he could answer another noise came.

Few armed soldiers ran towards them. The woman let out an annoyed sight. Atsushi raised his paw and waved, ''Hey! Over here! Help me!''
''They are not here to help you,'' she whispered to herself. ''Headquarters, we've discovered a remaining suspect. Requesting a permission to fire.'' They amed their guns towards the boy.

Sonya walked more in front of him to shield him. ''Now now boys, there is no need for such extremes."
"Kill them!" The next second they fired their guns. A moment went and not a single bullet hit him or the woman. He looked up, his eyes widened with fear and panic. The men there were longer, only big pools of blood flooded the ground and many weird pieces in it. He looked away quickly not wanting to know what they were.

Next to 'Jane' stood Kyoka and Demon Snow who had its sword pointed on Jane's neck.
'Cool ability, girl'
Kyoka glared at her, ''why did you killed them? And how? Who are you?'' Atsushi was sweating, not knowing what to do. Sonya smirked at her, "let me introduce myself again. I am Jane Austen. Dazai Osamu sent me before he was arrested to keep an eye on you and help you with this case. He knew you needed someone trustworthy to give a helping hand. My ability is 'Pride and Prejudice'. How it works I won't tell you children, it's complicated, and why I killed them is simple, they were enemies who just wanted to kill us. I saved us just now.''

Kyoka furrowed her brows more, not trusting this woman at all. Atsushi pulled his leg finally out. ''Kyoka, leave her. She really wanted to help me. Maybe she isn't lying.'' Demon Snow pulled the sword back from her throat. ''I don't trust her.'' Jane looked towards Atsushi with a friendly smile. He was thinking what to do. ''Well if Dazai does, then so will I. Dazai offered us help by calling her here. If we turn it down and we actually need it then it would be a big loss and also disrespect towards him. I don't know why... but I trust her. And it seems her ability is quite useful too for killing the bad guys. So... you are with us then.'' He looked at her again with a smile. She nodded.

"We have been framed by an enemy. The Detective Agency has been labeled a criminal organization. We all escaped the building. Come.'' Kyoka took Atsushi's hand and pulled him up. She dragged him after her while they ran. ''Where are we going? We have to get out of here, too.'' ''There is no getting out now. We are stuck here.''
Sonya groaned. 'What a bunch of idiots!' She cursed in russian. She sighted and ran after them.

2 days later

The room they landed smelled of dried blood. At least it was better than crawling around the vents. ''Kyoka, are you okay?'' The weretiger asked the girl. ''I'm a little tired.'' ''Of course you are. We have been here for two days without drinking,'' Sonya said behind them. ''How are you, Jane?'' He turned to her. ''It has been better, but not the worst situation I have been in.'' She tried to get on her feet slowly. ''Let's get out of here and find something to eat and drink.'' ''I wonder if it's true...'' Atsushi started, ''I heard the inspectors speaking. They said the president was arrested and Kunikida blew himself up during his escape. He may have not survived.''

Sonya's eyebrows rose and she tried to hold a smile from forming. Seeing their gloomy faces she let out a soft sigh, 'what a babies.'
They sat in silence for a moment when Sonya cleared her throat. ''We should go now or we are gonna die from starvation.'' She was already opening the door and the others followed her.

They walked down the street. The news were full with the Detective Agency. They even accused them of solving their own crimes. Kyoka took two caps and handed one to Atsushi. ''What about me?'' Jane whined. Kyoka gave her a side eye, ''I don't think you need it.'' Sonya glared at her through her dark sunglasses. ''First, we need to secure funds to make our escape. Then we'll escape by train.'' ''Escape...and then?'' ''I don't know,'' she answered. ''The Decay of Angels...the ones behind this, have an impeccable, far-reaching plan. We don't even have a full picture of their plot, let alone any evidence.''

Sonya walked beside Atshushi, listening to the girl. She was amazed by her intelligence. Not any child in her age could think like that and her ability is powerful. She could make an amazing member or ally to the Decay of Angels. She even kinda saw herself in her. She stopped walking when she realized that Atsushi fell behind them. ''Are you alright, Atsushi?''

''Oguri Mushitaro?'' ''Yeah, he gave Ranpo a warning just before the incident. He knew about the plan. He must know who the true murderers are, too. Maybe even how to restore the Agency to the way it was.'' Sonya rolled her eyes.
'That fucking imbecile. I'm gonna kill him before he even gets to open his mouth. I have to do something' ''You know, if I was you I wouldn't trust this Mushitaro guy. How did he know that the incident would happen in the first place? Maybe he is also one of them? We can't be sure. I think it was a trap.''

Atsushi and Kyoka thought about it. ''She does have a point,'' said Kyoka. ''But we don't have any other leads right now. We have to find him and talk with him. It's our only option right now.'' He opened his phone for a call. Sonya was screaming inside. She turned away from them. ''How do we find him?'' asked Kyoka. ''There is always a way,'' Atsushi smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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