4 1 1 [Someone new]

33 1 0

- Day 4 -

No one's POV -

" .. "

" ... "

" OW! "
A ray of light hit User's face.

" Ugh.. stupid light. "
User looked out of the tent entrance. The sun was shining so bright, that it literally looked like a nuke explosion.

" sigh, I'm not in the mood to leave. " He said trying to go back to sleep.

" User, its time to go. " XP said, opening the tent entrance, letting the light inside.

User covered his face with the blanket. " ..but I'm not in the mood to.. " He mumbled.

" User, we need to. I told Microsoft how long Il be away for, and we've only got 2 days left. "

" 2 days is a long time. "

" Not really. Time flies fast, plus the breaks that we have, it wastes time. "

" Fine. "
They continued their travel. It was a hot day, so after 40 minutes of walking, Pup started complaining yet again. " It's so hot.. Is there a river nearby? "

XP stopped walking and looked at Pup. " Pup, you're gonna have to deal with it, you agreed to come with us. "

" Yeah..Pup. Just deal with it. " User repeated.
Pup continued walking, with a :< expression on his face.

" Hmm.. whats that? " Pup asked, pointing towards a sign.

" A sign. I cant read what it says.. " XP answered.
The sign was dirty, and the text was not readable.

" Oh well, doesn't matter. Let's continue. " User said continuing walking.

" Wait! User, I feel like this sign is a warning for something. " XP suggested.

" But this is the only path, plus it looks normal. "

" Alright, fine. Lets go.. I hope I don't regret this. "
- 3 hrs later -

User started getting bored of walking. He noticed buildings and such in the distance. " Oh! Look, a town of some sort."

" a- a WHAT. " XP said, then continued " OH NO NO NO.. WE STEPPED ONTO ENEMY AREA! "

User got a bit nervous. " oh.. shit. Cant we turn around? "

" ..lets just go that way.. and try to avoid getting spotted... "
" Are you sure no one saw us? " Pup asked.

" I hope so.. " XP replied, still nervous.
Everything seemed okay, no one had spotted them, yet.

" ....Huh? ". Pup bumped into something.
That something lifted its head. It was some sort of animal. It was brown, with very fluffy neck fur, it almost looked like a fox mixed with a rabbit.

" Is that fucking Eevee. " User asked surprised.

The Eevee stared at the 3 terrified. " ..Who are you.. " It asked, starting to back up.

" No no, wait, we're just trying to pass here. We're going to the Blue Cave. " XP said.

Eevee ran away. User stared at XP in disbelief. " ..bruh. We just started this journey, and we already got into trouble. "

XP just stood there, before speaking again. " I think we are on Nintendo's area, which is good. We aren't really in danger, since Nintendo doesn't really hate us. "

" Really? " User asked.

" Yeah, don't ask me how. " XP replied.
- 1 minute later -

They continued walking through the grass. XP hoped they could get to a neutral area where no one could attack them. Suddenly-

" Wait! "
XP froze and Pup fell face first into the grass. User looked back and saw someone. They were short, had blue and red hair, and didn't seem threatening at all.

" Hello?! " User yelled back.
The person ran up to User. Obviously, this someone was Nintendo.

" For a company that is notorious for copy striking and destroying fan-made things made of their brand, they look innocent.. " User thought.

" XP? What are you doing here? " They asked

" ..I'm just trying to get to the Blue Cave to get this User out of here.. " XP said, tired of having to explain every time.

" Is that so.. hm. Well, I could help. " Nintendo offered.

" I'd appreciate it. "

Nintendo thought for a second. " Sure, il help you. "

XP hugged Nintendo.

" Alrighty.. Pup? Where are you? " User asked, looking for Pup.

" Down here. "
User looked down. Pup was stuck in the tall grass, somehow.

" How'd you get stuck in the grass? " User asked.

" idk man. Anyways when are we continuing our travels. "

" in a moment. "

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