0 1 1 [Prologue] ◉

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~ PLAY ▶ 08:34 September 02, 2022 ~

The screen displayed someone secretly recording, what seemed like a meeting of some sort. Someone, a blonde teen, sitting on a chair, and a tall, black creature wearing a cloak, flipping through the pages of a book. On one of the shelves, a black cat watched. The room they were located in was a dungeon room decorated with books and potions. A computer sat on the shelf below where the cat was laying.

" In the eyes of Humans, " The creature started. " The Internet is nothing more but a invention used for many different purposes, like, connecting with people that have the same interests as you, or start arguments, like you do. "
The teen sat motionless, fearing if he dared to moved he'd be killed.

" Most people see the Internet as a great invention created by humanity, while others see it as something horrible, harming people, and others, simply, do not care. " It continued. " Humans like you think the Internet is just a inanimate thing, but, what you all don't know is that it's, in fact, alive. Apps and Websites you use, Fandoms and many more. "
It took the computer off the shelf and placed it in front of the boy that still refused to move. This time, he seemed to become curious of what the creature was saying.

" Those personified Internet folks are relatively happier than your society, and live life normally in their digital world, forming an entire society that will evolve as the years go on. Besides, they'd went through a lot of trouble to get the freedom they have now. " It explained. " Now, if you really want to do this, there is just one proble- "

" What? What is it? " the boy interrupted, eagerly sitting up from the chair.

" Silence! " It yelled, slamming the book it was reading on the table.
The cat sitting on top of the shelf gave the boy a glance of worry, like saying 'Don't interrupt it, let it talk'. He apologised and sat back on the chair.

The creature grabbed the book. " Thank you. " It said. " As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, The problem with doing this is that you may never get out- "

" That's all? That's the entire downside of doing this? " He asked.
The creature turned and stared at him. Clearly, it wasn't happy that he kept interrupting.

" Yes. " It responded, putting the open book on the table next to the computer. " Even if its just one thing, you still need to consider it. "
He analysed the contents of the book. They were all specific years, the sub-headings being titles of things that happened in those years.

" If you're going to ask about the rest of book, don't worry about it, the only thing that's important is the first few pages that's going to help you achieve what you want. Now, come with me.

..We've got a lot to do. " It said, picking up the computer.
It ended with the boy following It to another room. The cat, on the other hand, jumped off the shelf and started approaching the person recording. The person panicked, and quickly stopped recording, ending the tape.

" And that isn't all that came out of his adventure. That, was just the start. "

" that's so.. cool!! what happens next?? "

" It's all in this book, documented by those before us who witnessed it. "

" can you read it to us?? "

" Of course, my dear. "

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