6 1 1 [The Stranger]

35 1 2

- Day 4.5 -
No one's POV -

" User, wake up! "
User awoke to Pup staring at them.

" Holy fcking hell, how many times is my sleep gonna be interrupted?! " User asked irritated.

" I've been trying to wake you up for the past 1 minute! "

" ..why. " User asked.

" We have to go! Cmon! Cmon!! "

" Why in the middle of the night?- Ah, forget it.. "
All 4 of them started to head to Blue Cave.. again. It was dark, you could barely see anything. User was holding a flashlight to see, obviously. The flashlight started flickering out of no where, it shut off.

" shit. " User cursed. " Do any of you have another flashlight? "

" Not me, maybe XP has one? " Nintendo said.
They turned to look XP.

" Oh um, hold on. " XP said, rummaging through the bag. " Nope, nothing. "

" Well that's not good.. maybe we can find a uh, torch? " Pup suggested.

" It's no use.. we'll have to traverse this forest without light to guide us. " XP said.

" That's fine. If we stick together, then we may get there. " Nintendo said, trying to calm them down.
One of the bushes started rustling.

" Why is that bush moving so violently? " XP asked.

" THE BUSHES ARE ALIVE!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! " Pup screamed, running in a random direction.

" WAIT, PUP!- ah, fuck my life. Il be right back! " User said running after Pup.
" Pup, why would you get scared over some bush moving, probably cause of the wind? " User asked.

" Sorry.. I forgot that the wind existed. " Pup said.

" Wha?- how is that a good excuse?! " User said. " Forget it, lets go, The others are waiting for us.  "
Another bush started to rustle. Pup started shaking in fear.

" Pup, Wh- "

" But if it was the wind that made the bush rustle, why are the others not rustling too?? "
Suddenly, a cat jumped out of the bush, making Pup flinch. The cat had black fur, with light grey eyes and a smile that seemed permanent. User felt like he'd seen this cat before.

" It's just a cat. " User said, preparing to leave.

" Not just any ordinary cat. " The cat said

" IT TALKS! " Pup shrieked.

" I am not surprised. " User said. " What do you want from us, strange cat? "

The cat jumped on a tree trunk that had fallen over. " I just want to talk to you- " It pointed at him. " -User. "

" Oh, me? Why me? "

" I need to. "

" uhm, ok. Pup, go back to the others, or just wait here, I don't know. "
" So what do you want to talk to me about? " User asked impatient.

The cat turned around. Its wide smile made User uncomfortable.

" What are you doing here, In the Internet, User? Have you come voluntarily or were you forced? " The cat asked.

" Well, you could say forced. But I don't really remember. "

" Very well. Usually, Users came here by their own free will, to ruin the lives of the inhabitants that live here. "

" That sucks. " User said, recalling what 7 told him.

" Yes, It does, But that's not important right now. "

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