Chapter elven

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(y/n) had ended up sleeping next to Ginny on her double bed since with Fleur on the camp bed there wasn't enough space to sleep on the ground. It was squishy but overall wasn't that bad.

This made her wake up easier in the morning. Rather early to what she normally did but after sneaking around the room and changing (y/n) went downstairs, her charmed bag in hand with both sweaters in it. No one was awake yet since it was only just past six in the morning. Maybe the couch would be a better fit for her to sleep on. Less squishy than the smaller bed.

(y/n) found a spot perfect to hide her view from the people coming downstairs so she could hide everything away without being spotted. With a needle and thread, she started to try making a stitch and when pricking herself a few times she only managed to get three stitches looking nice before she could hear someone using the bathroom. She froze still for a moment before continuing. Sucking in a long breath (y/n) went on for another half hour making decent progress before someone came walking down the stairs. Rolling up and placing the sweater away she already had a book waiting for her to start reading. It was Molly, she didn't notice (y/n) for a moment while she yawned and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

"Morning Mrs Weasley." Molly jumped so much two eggs shot in the air. Using her wand (y/n) stopped them from crashing to the ground.

"(y/n) dear what are you doing up so early?" She didn't want to say it was uncomfortable in the tight bed with Ginny so (y/n) gave a small smile.

"Oh, I wake up early most mornings. Need help with breakfast?" Molly smiled widely.

"Could you? I have some washing to do but I'll be back out soon." Nodding Molly left for the other room and (y/n) started cooking up some omelettes and bacon.

"Something smells good. Mum did you...." Fred came walking down the stairs half asleep and when she saw (y/n) at the stove she grinned at him. "Oh (y/n) why are you cooking?" (y/n) pushed a hot mug of tea across the table to Fred.

"Your mum had some washing to do, I offered to cook while she did that." She settled another plate to the table, each plate had an omelette, bacon a Frankfurt and a cooked tomato. One large plate sat in the middle a stack of toast. A tea pot was going around filling each mug with hot tea.

"(y/n) I'm all finished I could, already done. You'll make a perfect mother one day." Molly hugged (y/n) rather tight and people started walking down from upstairs. All in their pyjamas. "All this was made by (y/n) enjoy every one." Molly clapped and everyone started eating.

It went like this for another week. (y/n) managed to finish one sweater in her early morning wake-ups and soon she got through the second in time for Christmas. Which was three days from now.

Ginny was sitting on the couch seeming to be cutting out decorations for Christmas and she was so invested Ginny didn't notice as Fred and George came downstairs. They waved her over. Molly was out with Bill and Fleur getting groceries for Christmas dinner. Arthur, Lupin and Serius were in the shed probably talking about the upcoming war. Ginny was asked by to look out for (y/n) leaving the living room by Molly but she didn't notice while (y/n) stood up heading towards the stairs where George took hold of her hand dragging her up with them.

"What's going on?" She whispered knowing sound travels rather far in the staircase. Harry and Ron from what she knew were in Ron's bedroom since Harry couldn't leave the house.

"Just some fun." Fred grinned moving to open his bedroom door. (y/n) knew Molly had been out for only a little while but without knowing when she would be back this really wasn't a good idea.

"But your mum." George shut the door behind her so she turned to try and leave.

"Is out and Ginny is busy, we have at least half an hour before she even thinks about coming home." George said taking hold of her wrist as she went to leave the room. (y/n) sighed knowing neither of them would budge.

"Come to the bed love." Fred tugged her backwards to the closest bed, it was Georges and he sat on his side pulling (y/n) into him. George joined on the other side.

"Don't worry darling we won't go too far, Ron might come bursting in." George's breath was hot on her neck sending shivers down her spine. Fred turned her head slightly for a kiss. It was soft but when (y/n) went to pull back he pressed his lips harder onto hers. George's hands wandered downwards, his lips went to her neck and she was finding it harder to hold her breath.

"Have you forgotten how to kiss? Holding your breath again." Fred chuckled lips still so close to hers.

"My mind is elsewhere."

"Then let's bring you back down." George said and his hand went under the hem of her skirt. She gasped rather loudly so fred covered her mouth.

Which was when her eyes rolled back.

She was at the burrow, outside. But it wasn't winter anymore nor was it the middle of the day. Outside was dark and the only light from the house was in the living room. There wasn't any noise apart from the chatter inside. Following the light (y/n) walked into the living room. The order stood around but they all were looking at someone. Wouldn't hesitate she walked through the crowd fading through them like she was a ghost to see Fred, George and herself together on the couch. George was badly injured. His face was rather bloody and his right ear was gone. (y/n)'s felt tears sting her eyes.

"We were betrayed, someone told them we were coming." The voices started to fade, and (y/n) turned to the group of people.

"Madeye's dead." Bill spoke and the room faded she couldn't hear what was next.

(y/n) gasped awake once more. Fred and George's faces were blurred before they focused. Both of them had a worried expressions on their faces. Which changed quickly when the door slammed open.

"How many times have I warned the two of you!" Molly shouted out and (y/n) was just staring at George. When does that happen?

"Mum she had a vision." Fred said as Molly took a breath between rants.

"Oh OH dear are you alright?" Molly spoke going right over to (y/n) as she sat up on the bed. Her skirt was normal again.

"Yes, I'm alright. It was just the battle again." She didn't want to damper the mood right before Christmas. Molly believed her and stood up straight.

"I'll make you some hot chocolate." (y/n) smiled a little but stood needing to get out of the room.

"I'm just going to step outside." And she was quick to leave the room. All that blood, it made her stomach churn. She didn't say anything when Fleur tried to strike up a conversation. Not when Sirius asked what was wrong, (y/n) just needed to breathe in some crisp clean air. It was freezing outside. She didn't have a jacket. But ignoring the cold for a few minutes was fine if she could get away from the crowd inside for a few minutes. Sitting herself on a wooden box beside the burrow it wasn't long before George came walking out with a hot chocolate and a blanket.

"Thank you." Her breath fogged the air around her.

"Fred is telling Fleur and Serius why you fled the house," George said squeezing on the box with her wrapping the blanket around both of them. (y/n) sipped the hot sugary goodness and sighed feeling warm again. "I know you said it was the battle at Hogwarts but something tells me it wasn't." (y/n) glanced over to George. He gave her the smallest smile his hand coming to rest on her forearm.

"You catch on quick, don't you? It wasn't no, I didn't want to worry Molly just before Christmas nor anyone else so." George placed a hand to his heart.

"I won't ask again until the twenty-sixth of December. Even if it might kill me not knowing. Now let's get you inside before my nose falls off." She smiled and took hold of his hand but pulled George into a hug before he could guide them into the house. So comforting.

It felt like home.

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