𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓽 𝓝𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷

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𝖶𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀: 𝖢𝗋𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗌𝖼𝖾𝗇𝖾/ 𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇

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It was late at night, and Y/n walked in the room where Georgia was at. Hearing the ventilators pumping of the machine she was in. Georgia saw Y/n walk in with an IV pole. Y/n approached the girl more and Georgia smiled as she did.

Y/n returned a small smile that can nearly be caught without focusing on her lips. Y/n looked down to the buttons of the tube and pressed one of the buttons making a small beep noise.

"You look better," Y/n said.

"Do I look alive," Georgia asked in a raspy voice.

"You look pretty," Y/n said, making Georgia smile wider.

"Must be all the oxygen," she chuckled slightly as Y/n returned the same small chuckle with a smile that is noticeable to see.

There was a moment of silence and Georgia looked at Y/n. Her smile dropped slowly, looking at the pole that has a bag of liquid on it, tracing the little tubes on Y/n, and looked at her face with slight worry. "Did they say what's wrong with you?"

"No, just the fever. They're trying to find out what else," Y/n responded.

"They won't find anything," Georgia said, and there was an in growing silence again. "They'll keep looking, keep taking tests, keep getting false diagnoses, meds. But they won't find out what's wrong. They'll just know that you're wrong. I hope you have good insurance."

Y/n looked at her as she let out a small sigh with a small smile. "So do I."

"They're going to give me shock treatment. Electroconvulsive therapy is what it's called. Shock treatment sounds nicer."

"People who have what you have can recover with shock treatment," Y/n said, hopefully giving her the hope and courage that she will and could get better.

"You know how many times I've been told that I could recover with treatment," Georgia asked, making Y/n look down. "They said I might remember what I did. But I don't want to remember."

"You know what you did, Georgia," Y/n looked at her again.

"But I don't remember it," she confessed. "It feels more like a horrible dream where I killed my friend."

Y/n, looked to the side as her eyes shifted a little and asked, "you dream about killing anybody else?"

"I dreamed you killed that doctor," she said, and the room got quiet. "But I couldn't see your face."

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Hannibal walked in Y/n's room seeing that she was asleep. He stepped in more in the room and saw Will sitting in a chair besides the hospital bed she was on.

Hannibal saw Will's hand hold Y/n's as she slept. He took a breath and spoke, making his presence known to Will.

"Will, you should go home and rest."

Will looked up at Hannibal, never letting go of
Y/n's hand. "I'm fine. I just.. want to be here with her. To make sure she is okay."

"I see your desire to guard Y/n, to never let her slip away from your gaze. But affection must be given room to breathe," Hannibal said.

"I'm not trying to suffocate her in anyway, Dr. Lecter. I just care for her health."

"That's what the doctors are for, Will."

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