Chapter Nine - Epilogue

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Okay, so I couldn't wait to put this out, so I thought 'Why the hell not?' and decided it will go out now. One day after the last, whoop!

The dedication is to one of my closest friends - check her out, she writes awesome TVD fanfics. :D

SUMMARY: The Mikaelson's want to start the summer off with a bang. So they decide a party/ball is in order. They invite nearly all of Mystic Falls. Everyone they invite goes so what could go wrong at a ball for vampires, witches, werewolves and humans?

A Summer with the Mikaelson's

Chapter Nine - Epilogue

Elena's P.O.V:

"Henrik!" I shouted, slightly annoyed as my teen son ran past me and towards the stairs.

I should be incapable of having children, and I am. But Elijah and I are not incapable of adoption. We have three beautiful children, all who have slightly modified features to make them appear to look as though they are our children. We waited until they were eight to make a decision on whether or not they wanted to have their features altered to look like ours. Henrik and Jenna both agreed and have always known they were adopted. Ashley hasn't agreed; he isn't old enough, but he knows he's adopted. They've also always known that if when they were eighteen they chose to become a vampire, we would allow them to become one, sired by their father - which makes the most sense to me.

Henrik Elijah Mikaelson is sixteen, his brown hair hung in waves framing his face as they rested against his cheekbones, it was an even length all around and he has my nose and doe eyes but he has grey eyes. A feature he inherited from one of his birth parents, or both.

Jenna Elena Mikaelson is fifteen, only three months younger than Henrik. She has long straight dark blonde hair, which brings out her hazel eyes, making the green and yellow in them stand out. Her hair goes down to her lower back and is a nightmare to brush in the mornings.

Ashley Jonathan Mikaelson is six and he is the second youngest child in the Mikaelson clan, the youngest being Caroline and Nik's baby girl - Elizabeth, he is a werewolf. We found him all alone, he was three and knew what had happened, his parents had been killed in front of him by a savage witch. Ashley was the only name he knew was his own and we weren't going to take that from him. His blue eyes always held an orange tint to them, he has been an activated werewolf since before we knew him, that meant nothing to us, though, on full moons he ran with Nik and his children. His black hair was short and he loved to gel it up to make it look like Elijah's did naturally.

"Yes?" Rik asked as he calmly walked back to me.

"No running in the living room and on the stairs, you know that. It sets a bad example for Ashley, Louis and Elizabeth." Louis is another one of Nik and Caroline's.

"Wouldn't it set a bad example for Jen, Hope, Benji and Char too?" Hope, Benjamin and Charlie are Nik and Caroline's other three children. They had five children in all.

"No, because they are all old enough to know better."

"Charlie is only ten."

"But still old enough to know better." I paused for a second. "As are you."

"But, Mom."

"No, but mom-ing me, Rik. Aunt Caroline needs your help with Elizabeth." Henrik groaned but went upstairs to find Caroline. Elizabeth is only a year old and is named after Caroline's mother.

"How about we call for a family gathering?" Elijah whispered in my ear as soon as Henrik disappeared.

"Good idea, brother," Nik called from upstairs, over the years of living together we got a lot closer and I've called him Nik for the past eighteen years.

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