~Chapter one~

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You, Y/N, is a renowned acrobat of the Court of Fontaine who was still young and missed out on lots of school due to practice sessions. You went into your room and checked your phone, seeing that it was currently 9:08 am on a Saturday morning. Then you realise that your small group chat had an unread message.

Hi we're idiots

Cat in a hat
Hey, Y/N. Do u wanna join
our next show? You can do
anything you want. Pleaseeee?
It's tomorrow night.
Sent at 8:36 am.

The theatre kid
Why do you want me to join
your show again?

The real cat
because my brother just loves your
moves. Isn't that right, Lyney?

Cat in a hat
Gosh, just stfu. Who told you that
you could speak, huh?

The theatre kid
Lol, what the hell is wrong with
you two? Pls stop arguing.

Cat in a hat
Lynette and I totally aren't arguing.
I'm sure you know that, Y/N. And
I want your answer, are you gonna
join our show?

The theatre kid
Fine I'll join your next show
but it better be good...

The real cat
Don't worry, I'm sure Lyney's
gonna make it x tra special...

Cat in a hat
Huh? Of course I have to make
it special.
The theatre kid reacted with 💀

After the small talk, you went outside to feel and breathe the fresh air of Fontaine once again. You were just looking around, feeling bored. Then you decided to go for some ice cream, arriving at the ice cream shop. "Hello! Can I have a (favourite ice cream flavour) ice cream on a cone?" You and kindly, smiling nicely.

"Yup! Coming right up!" The man behind the counter said as he took a cone and scooped the ice cream up. He placed it on a cone and handed it to you as you pay for it and thank him, walking off.

As you roam Fontaine while eating your ice cream, you decide to go to the seaside to relax and chill. Then you realise that you should invite your friends in Fontaine. You take out your phone and go to text your larger friend group while eating your delicious ice cream.

We're not the idiots

Flexible mommy
Hey guys, wanna chill at the
seaside with me?

I dunno. Is anyone else

Umbrella lady
Oh, I would love to come, Y/N!
Just wait for me to get ready.

Magic kitten
Should I add my brothers to
this group chat? They probably
wanna know what we do too.

Sure, whatever you want. I'm sure
the others won't mind.

Umbrella lady
Who? Lyney and Freminet? They're
not in this chat?

Add them then. Let them see what
we talk about.

Flexible mommy
Freminet? How come I've never
heard of him or anything? Mind
elaborating who he is?

Magic kitten
Oh right, you haven't met
him yet. Freminet's the
renowned diver of the Court of
Fontaine. He's quiet though.

Magic kitten added Diver boy and Hats and cats.

Hats and cats
What's this? Oh are we going
to chill at the seaside? Sure,
I'm sure Freminet won't come.
Chlorine, Magic kitten and 3+ reacted with 👍

You turn off your phone, putting it away, and start walking to the seaside, realising that you've already nearly finished your ice cream and cone. Quickly, you eat it up and leave to get to the seaside to meet the others.

When you arrive, you see Clorinde, Navia, Charlotte, Lyney and Lynette all standing there, waiting for you. "Y/N, you were the one who invited us yet you're the latest one to arrive." Chlorinde sighs as she speaks.

"Sorry, guys. Why isn't Freminet coming though?" You ask them. You were curious since they told you he wouldn't come. He didn't even react or reply nor did he even check the group's messages which made you wonder why he was added in the first place. But you weren't going to complain since Wriothesley does the same. And besides, you haven't met Freminet yet.

Lyney and Lynette were chatting until they heard your question, saying the same thing at the same time, "Freminet's still doing his typical researching." They both say at the same time. You also continue to wonder why you were never told about him before.

It was still reasonable though since you would always have practice and barely have any time to relax except for after and before practice and on the weekends. But he was still researching on the weekends, quite interesting.

You and the group move forward and walk along the seaside calmly and safely. It was all nice and peaceful with a soft breeze brushing through their skin and small waves forming in the ocean that crash into each other and the walls of Fontaine's lands.

As they move along the seaside, they all chatted about gossip around places, secrets to share, stories of what happened in their life and justice. But you couldn't help but let your thoughts interrupt at different times accidentally, thinking about random things like how do waves form together or why is the sky blue. Or if Celestia is even real in the world of Teyvat. Are there other universes that haven't been discovered?

"Y/N... Y/N!" Navia softly yells at you, snapping you out of your thoughts and back into reality. You wake up from your thoughts and flush them away for now, saving your questions for later. "Oh, huh?" You look at everyone, which they all seem concerned and worried since you were lost in thought. "Are you alright?" She asks you. Stuttering a slight bit, you reply. "O-oh I-I'm fine."

Lyney tilts his head slightly and looks at you. "Are you sure?" You nod in reply to his small question. You kinda felt like jumping in the water and drowning yourself, also wondering what would happen if you fell in. But the thing was that you didn't know how to swim properly since you've been learning acrobatic techniques and skills all your life instead of safety skills.

You walk along the beach and see a fish flopping out of the water and trying to get onto you. Shrieking slightly, you try to push away the fish but it bites your skirt and you try to get it off. "What the hell is wrong with this fish?! Where the hell did it even come from?!" Charlotte chuckles a bit as you complain and Lyney and Lynette wonder about what's going on. Navia glares at the fish, amused and Clorinde is just sighing and facepalming at this stupid scene.

The fish just wouldn't let go of your skirt as you keep trying to get it off you. You gasp as it continues to bite harder on your skirt. Suddenly, the fish's weight pulls you into the water and you continue to try and get it off you, holding your breath as you sink deeper into the ocean, not noticing that you're going lower.

Clorinde facepalms again and sighs even deeply and Navia and Charlotte are just dumbfounded. Lyney and Lynette are just staring, amused yet shocked that you're still going.

As soon as you get the fish off of you, you realised that you have sunken deep into the ocean and don't have enough breath to reach the surface. Worst of all, you don't know how to swim properly. And you slowly lose consciousness, not knowing what you'll do like this or what would happen.

Word count: 1293

A/N: Thanks for reading the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! Please me give any feedback if you want me to improve by using a part of your method. Thanks.

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