~Chapter ten~

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You were still tired and you felt even more lazy when you just kept walking with Freminet, who was guiding you.

Freminet notices your face, chuckling as he noticed that you were tired. He puts his arm around you, pulling you closer as you walk to the place where Freminet was taking you. Then you soon realise that he was taking you to the... wait a minute... where was he taking you anyway? Ah, he was taking you to the arcade.
"Hey... are you alright?" He asks you. For a second there, you didn't reply so he got concerned.
"Y/N... Y/N? Are you okay?" Then you snap back into reality.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine..." You smile to hide your lack of sleep that has been bothering you. But Freminet could see through your smile
"Are you sure? You look tired..." As you look down, his concern grew for you. So he gently grabbed your chin and made you look right into his eyes.
"Y/N, stop hiding it... what's wrong?"

You were just staring at him, teary-eyed and you didn't know what to do. For some reason, you just felt tired and like you couldn't do anything. Freminet sighs and pulls you in for a hug before pulling away and smiling at you. He understood that you were tired.

Both of you continue to walk into the arcade, you felt a little better. Perhaps the hug gave you energy to continue. Freminet tells you to wait for him for a second and goes to buy some credits so you both could play some arcade games. And as he does so, you keep thinking about your life choices and wondering if you should've slept earlier instead.

And so... you remember those days when your parents told you not to stay up late yet you would ignore them and kept staying up late. You came to the conclusion that you should always listen to your parents. Because this is what happened after a few hours less of sleep.

You keep smiling and Freminet comes back with the credits, noticing that you have returned to your normal mood. Or so he thought...

"Hey, y/n, ya alright now?" He asks you

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Let's go!" You smile.

Next thing you know, you were at the arcade games, vibing and having the time of your life.

"Let's go to this one!" You say happily... although you were also getting tired and losing stamina the more you ran.

Like what if you fainted from your tiredness? Nah, that probably wouldn't happen. You can't overthink about this stuff, it's just nearly impossible.

To give you more energy, he goes from behind you and hugs you, trying to calm you. Freminet lays his head on your shoulder and smiles at you. The arcade games suddenly shut down... the power goes out. You try to see if internet was still up... but...
There wasn't any internet and you couldn't access anything...

You heard people complaining too. "What the hell is going on here?"

"The damn power's out!"

"Wow, did all the water make the internet malfunction?"

"Wait... everywhere in Fontaine has no power..."

Wait... Fontaine's power magically just went out?! No way... no way that would ever happen to anyone so it's probably just another damn dream... but if the power actually went out, wouldn't that mean that the Oratrice Mechanique d'Analyse Cardinale had stopped working...?

You had been suffering from lack of sleep since you were young but today, you got only a few hours of sleep. And that wasn't very good since you usually had only around five to six hours of sleep.

"I think we'll be fine.." Freminet reassured you. "Monsieur Neuvillette and Lady Furina will probably fix this sooner or later."

"Maybe if we go home and sleep it'll be okay." You say, still a little half asleep. It was kinda funny.

What a miracle that you're still awake. You yawn and you hug Freminet. He hugs you back and kisses you on your forehead.

Suddenly... the power came back on! And everyone continued to whisper and chat. Some were unbelievably loud and others were more quiet and reserved.

You and Freminet go and play some arcade games, starting with one of your favourites, Pac Man. (Yes we're starting with an old game from 3000 years ago.)

Freminet helped you beat some of the games and you both end up with a whole bag of tickets with your credits emptied out. But the only thing was... you were overthinking as you played, fake smiling as you won and letting out false laughs and chuckles.

Well, Freminet even got you a plush penguin out of a claw machine. It was pretty cute and it was such a nice thing to do. But what are you going to tell your friends now? "He's just a friend." Or... "Oh, we're dating now." Should you lie or tell the truth?

You felt like your life was ruined because of one of the only things you knew... "faking a smile is easier than explaining why you're sad." That quote... was one of your favourite quotes since you never found an easier way to do things in life. Maybe you were just lazy but you thought this was just simply the best way there was.

You've thought to yourself about this before but... Maybe... what if life... maybe if it was just a little white lie... What if... it was a dream? Then wouldn't that be much better? Honestly, you just wished to sleep. You started to drool while standing there and making Freminet confused. He can't help but laugh a bit.

You thought to yourself, Hmm... is chicken or turkey better...? What does Freminet think? Or is beef better? But of course, there was no way Freminet would know what you were thinking. you remember one thing you were taught and used to disobey... and after years of thinking and wondering, you decided to follow the rule... "Silence is always the best move..."

Word count: 1063

A/N: Tell me if I'm not doing enough, I don't mind. I just really need ideas and feedback now. It's like everything went from "yes I know what to do!" To "wait a minute... I finished that part, now what?" Anyway... thanks for reading this far! And if you see any mistakes or errors, be free to comment on it. Thanks!

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